Starter Project Unreal Message
I've got this message on my screen, does this mean I have to rebuild the starter project in vs?

Solution:Jump to solution
You only need to worry about this message if you're working on a mod that adds a custom level
7 Replies
No, I think this means you should rebuild the landscape. Are you using the level editor (viewport 1), though?
-# (Also, this isn't Unity)
I'll try that, is it just the "Build Landscape" option in the build dropdown? And I just opened the .uproject file and it came up like this, so I'm not sure what viewport I'm using
Oh, you don't have to "fix" that then
I'm not even sure what the default level is
Sorry, I'm new to all this lol
So I can just ignore the message?
You only need to worry about this message if you're working on a mod that adds a custom level
Oh alright. Thanks