Github Projects Page unviewable responses
I'm looking through the project page on github: ... Various entries have<stringsofnumbershere> links, when I click on them, the messages open in browser, but the messages then fail to load. Any chance they could be copy/pasted instead of links posted so if these are private categories, people without access can view/read and see the discussion going on?

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"the discussion going on" is in discord and is not going to be moving outside of it. 90% of the links will work if you grab the mod creation interest role in <id:customize>
7 Replies
That's going to slow people down, and those links will contain very technical content anyway. If you need to see that stuff, you should probably have the Aspiring Modder role, which grants access to those channels.
Well, considering @FICSIT-Fred's >eta autoresponder links this board, and if its meant to be public facing, then all the info on it should also be public facing and not locked behind any specific discord roles... This is one of the things I absolutely dislike about the modern web where 90% of things are on discord only, discord this, discord that, discord, discord, discord... Discord has RUINED web searches with hiding things behind roles.
I'm no programmer, I can't program my way out of a cardboard box, however, my curiousity wanted to see the details why certain things are on that project page, but only seeing discord links that lead to pages where discord says the messages fail to load leads me to believe that this stuff should be private. And if this is the case, perhaps the eta autoresponder shouldn't link that board on github.
It's not so much "public facing" as "not hidden" - I think it's mostly listed because a lot of people just like to see that things are happening
"the discussion going on" is in discord and is not going to be moving outside of it. 90% of the links will work if you grab the mod creation interest role in <id:customize>
the stuff on that board isn't useful to be search engine indexed anyways
the stuff that is useful to index is either documented on or on
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I updated the board's readme to convey this