Connection to host lost

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Satisfactory: How to Fix Timeout Errors
If you are receiving a timeout error, it means your computer took too long to load/save the game. This guide will show you how to fix it.
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6 Replies
sjhoward4mo ago
The more mods you add, the higher the load on the network, so the more often timeouts happen it might be that one mod in particular is the problem, but it'll be hard to tell which. Best idea I have is this: >debugmods
FICSIT-Fred4mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs:
baityOP4mo ago
I understand that I cannot modify the maximum timeout, right?
sjhoward4mo ago
I believe that's correct. It could also be that no particular mod is the problem, and it's just the last mod pushing it over the top
BaityBait4mo ago
In case it could be of any help: I've noticed that it doesn't crash any particular mod, but when you add several mods that take up a considerable amount of space. Generally decorative mods that have many additions and new textures and take up space, if you put several mods, it gives timeout and you can no longer play. I have no solution so far
Lynkfox4mo ago
Connection to host timeout is not the same as the issue you all in here appear to be talking about, whyich is Reliable Buffer Overflow - Timeouts can happen without mods as well, if your connections are bad or if there are firewalls/other blocks. Mods can make it worse as well, but if it is specifically a connection time out this is not a hard limit like Reliable Buffer Overflow is See here for some options

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