Compact Machine Milestone Wont Launch
Trying to launch the pod for the compact machines, but it does not do anything. Does anyone have a solution for this?
9 Replies
@Mastrmyrtr9 (Compact Machines)
Also forgot to mention this is on my dedicated server
Can you elaborate on your issue please?
Yeah, I am trying to launch the pod for the milestone at the hub, but the pod wont launch and I've tried doing all of them to see if any of them work.
All it does is turn this brownish red color and does nothing

Hm, I don't think this is an issue with my mod, but probably an issue with your server. Only thing I could think of trying would be launching a different milestone first
Ok, I will give it a try. It's compatible with linux servers, right?
It should™️ be, yes. Unfortunately I would have no way to test the compatibility but there's no reason it wouldn't be
ok, ty!
Works on singleplayer. Must be the server I'm using. Appreciate the help!