UObjects are kinda going in the Scary Area for no reason
Building a small amount of buildables causes a whole shebang of Uobjects to appear, having lead to multiple Uobject-limit-exceeded crashes after trying to build blueprints and similar. Why dis happen? (i am running with about 150mods but that cant be it, right?)
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, those inv slot mods make the UObject issue dramatically worse.33 Replies
I don't really know what's happening there, I had to rewatch the video 10 times, I was to focused on the pillar you where buildings
So the main focus point is the uobject counter on the left that goes up like 10k
I don't know why tho
112k or so, which, yikes.
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced here in this channel.
If you need to access older log files, see https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#Files_Logs
The other question though is, does the number stay increased by 112k? Or does it perhaps drop back down again after some time has passed/when you go to build something else?
okay imma do that gimme one sec
Debug file
, those inv slot mods make the UObject issue dramatically worse.Replacements: https://ficsit.app/mod/StackResizer (global stack size, can set everything to 10k per stack) or https://ficsit.app/mod/PlayerStackSizer (for only the player's inventory)
Less slots yes, but more items per slot.
50/50. It goes down most of the times, but not always and not to a number that'd match the 14 buildings * 5 Uobject (or whatever it was) per building number. Since the game ran fine (until now- have had a uobject crash), ive continued on building, (fleshing out a blueprint), maybe adding on 30- 40 Buildables, but after some point the counter wouldnt drop below 1.6 million (compared to the roughly 1.3Million before)
oooooh okay ima try that thank u 😄
PS: Do not keep the UObject counter running continuously. It will itself actually increase the UObject count quite a bit. It should only be enabled during troubleshooting.
well then imma do that too, i guess 👍 Thanks for the help, appreciate it a lot!
too ("Inventory Slots 150")okay (lol i dont even know why i have both these mods installed what the hell was i on 💀 )
Also, unrelated to UObjects, but be aware that mk9, mk10, and mk11 belts in "Belt and Miner Renewed" are broken (it is not currently possible to set belt speeds above 2000/min, which those 3 belt levels attempt to do). Normally I would advise swapping it for https://ficsit.app/mod/EnhancedConveyors, but since B&M uses its own conveyors, rather than altering the speed of vanilla ones, uninstalling it from a large save could result in most of your conveyors disappearing. Just remember not to use mk9 - mk11 belts, and downgrade any existing ones.
that i was actually aware of, but thanks nonetheless 😄
Okay so its me again.... for some reason, while removing aforementioned mods definitely helped, building stuff still causes ridicolous amounts of Uobject to appear - just now in the ten- instead of hundredthousands... pls help
McCovican gonna be busy today. I'm also still experiencing it. I'm narrowing down the cause though. I also don't think deleting the Inventory Slots 300 mod reverted my inventory back to "normal size", so I don't know if it is still having a significant effect on the UObject count.
If I'm not mistaken, those look like the Modular Reactors. Your video isn't playing for me so I only have the thumbnail. Following a series of assumptions, perhaps you are experiencing the EXACT same issue as me, instead of just similar.
Are you making use of the Digital Storage mod?
I did mention that RR&D mods were likely an issue here. Given that both of you are using both DS and RP, may I suggest you both head over here:
If you have any bugs, suggestions or need help with any of Refined R&D's mods you will probably get more help on their dedicated discord server.
I am there. IIRC, you said it was RP specific, as opposed to the whole suite.
Anywho, on my end, I found the issue.
Given that it isn't solved and I'm still in discussions with the dev, I won't report my conclusions yet. But it was a component of the new update for DS.
And I do think that differentiating between the two is important. Perhaps not necessarily for someone who isn't experiencing the problem or using the mod. But it's the difference between "Did I design my entire power system incorrectly?" versus "Did I design my entire production line incorrectly?" which requires two completely different solutions.
In my personal case, the temporary solution is not to delete any buildings. Just stop clicking so quickly. I do not yet know if this solution generalizes. I do not yet know if the Inventory Slots mod (or any other mod I turned off) has to stay off.
I also find it a little odd that automatically using a particular mod means that an issue should be solved somewhere else. Now, if we were able to figure out that it is causing the issue, then sure. But automatically assuming it is the culprit is....idk it just rubs me wrong.
How is a user supposed to know, when experiencing an issue, whether it is because of that or not? Should one first check the overall situation before narrowing it down to that specifically?
Unless there is something you know that I don't. I would like to know that so that I stop potentially annoying you with any lack of education that I appear to be exercising. I know how annoyed I can get when someone thinks they know something that they don't actually and appear to be unwilling to adjust their mindset. I don't know if that is the vibe you're getting.
"How is a user supposed to know" ― they're not. I don't expect them to know. I triaged for you, and directed you to a place specialised in the mods you're having issue with. That's it.
There's no "automatic assuming" going on here. I trawled through the logs of both of your installs, and we eliminated other more easy-to-troubleshoot possibilities first to narrow it down. That way, when you go to the RR&D server, you don't have a bunch of other mods hanging around the install that they'll (rightly) just point to and say "fix those first".
Allow me to reword.
How do I learn how to "trawl through the logs" more effectively? What, besides experience, alerts you to "easy-to-troubleshoot possibilities"? How do I learn or improve my triage skills? How did you determine that the mods that I thought I was having an issue with was the actual culprit, and therefore required redirecting to the specialized place?
Also, tangent, but why didn't FRED do trawl through the logs for me? Is he human or machine? I've seen him do it for others.
How do you approach digesting a file/log/code that is 200k lines plus? I have my methods but I wonder what I can learn from you.
But you also don't have to be a teacher. Just cause I'm asking these questions doesn't mean I expect you to answer them. I know that my path is more fringe than others and I don't expect everyone to accommodate for that.
In other words, most "users" of life can get by with a basic understanding of gravity, electricity, mathematics. They don't need to worry about relativity, quantum nature, imaginary numbers. But those are the things I like learning about. Those are the concepts I like thinking about and bridging to connect to my every day life.
So, I do agree that a user isn't supposed to know and shouldn't be expected to. But I expect myself to, which requires education of some form, whether institutionalized or independent. I tend to take the independent route, given certain obstacles. Which may give some insight into why my thought processes look the way they do: I rarely have access to some form of mentor or more knowledgeable person to rectify any hiccups.
Not something you HAVE to do though. I know I'm a fringe case.
Yeah same i too still have a ridicolous amount of inv slots lmao
YES that might actually be the case, am quite heavily using Refined Power mod. Digital Storage is installed, but i only have a minor storage system running on it, nothing too big.
yep im gonna do that too
bro dont be like this man. McCovican has helped a whole bunch already - and given that all the evidence really strongly suggest the issue being with RD, its just logical to not clutter up this discord but head to the dedicated one - if it appears the isse is not RD related, we can still head back here
https://ficsit.app/mod/DecreaseInventorySlot ― Ah, my bad. Forgot to mention, if you'd already unlocked the 300 slots, you'll need to use this mod to reset them. You don't need to keep the mod installed after its reset the slot count.
Reset Inventory Slot - SMR
Reset to player inventory slot and hand slot.
Potentially a fix for this issue.
Definitely makes stuff a whole lot better - at least for now i seem to be down to 1.1Million UObjects with no apparent excessive Uobject appearance. So seems to be the right direction! Hope a similar patch with UObject reduction also hits Refined power as i am using that much more excessively lol
weeeell here we go once again... i left the game running AFK (kinda non-intentional) and i checked the uobject count - after about an hour were back up to 70% of the max (~1.5 Million). Without. Any. Building. HOW?
Probably in no small part due to leaving the UObject counter running.
it should only be like a total of 10-20, it shouldnt constantly create new ones? maybe @Rex [they/them] can correct me if im wrong
the amount is from memory might be more
the uobject counter widget only creates the uobjects when its created right? its not constantly allocating more
No, the counter itself doesn't constantly create UObjects
It would defeat its purpose
yeah thats what thought
i didnt think it would do that but i wasnt completely sure
The mod page says something like "the counter itself uses quite a few UObjects", mainly because it's true (widgets do that) but also because people are paranoid about UObjects
The one thing to keep in mind: UObjects only get garbage collected about once per minute
So the counter won't go down for a minute
That being said, if there's issues with Digital Storage I'd suggest stopping all networks. IIRC the crafting system uses UObjects and is in need of an overhaul