Inventory tick crash debugger triggered
Been experiencing semi-regular Assertion failed itemclass crashes for 3 days now.
They aren't tied to a specific area or action, sometimes the game runs for 2 hours before it happens, other times it crashes 3 minutes into loading the save. I finally had the inventory tick crash debugger trigger, so I would really appreciate some help.
I've tried the reduction of belt render distance, tried isolating areas I was working on when the crashing started using the interactive map tools, so far no luck.
Mods list:
... for some reason SMM isn't letting me copy my mods list, so here's the most recent one I have ...
Solution:Jump to solution
I think I have removed the only two pairs I had setup like this, so far no crashes. I'll make this as resolved.
Resolution tl;dr
A merger to splitter pair had been set up with a direct connection (connection of 0 belts long) see image. This was possible due to some unintended behavior of AutoLink, as of AutoLink 0.5.2 this behaviour is prevented and should no longer cause
Assertion failed Itemclass
crashes....43 Replies
(Known crash AssertionFailedItemClass) Something has caused an inventory to run an invalid operation. It's probably not clear from your crash log which mod and/or building are at fault, but you can temporarily install the Inventory Tick Crash Debugger mod to troubleshoot this further. Remember to read the directions on the mod page about how to use it!
-# Responding to
triggered by @Joey JoelInventory Tick Crash Debugger - SMR
@Rex any guidance on finding/interpreting the debug output? Nothings jumping out at me
The mod didn't log anything, I'll need the crash info in
Thy wish is my command
Okay, that happened inside a conveyor chain actor's
, that's why the mod didn't catch itAny followup actions I can take to investigate?
Not sure right now, do you use or have you used SnapOn?
Also you said the mod triggered, so you got the popup?
Look in the logs in
for LogInvCrashDbg
No I haven't used SnapOn. I do have AutoLink installed tho (unsure if relevant but they sound like they do a similar thing)
Could it be auto link?
Could be but I've never used it
cc @Epp
Yep, that's what the mod printed. Could you please go to the coordinates in
(note: they are in centimetres) and send a screenshot of the merger and its surroundings?Oh dear, haven't used the coords in game yet, but I'm sure I should be able to. brb
I think the coords in game are divided by 100
Surely it might be easier to use SCIM?
Or if you have OrthoMap, look at the coordinates there
SCIM says they're well outside the map border

X axis has one digit too many
Oh duh, I'm using orthomap now to go in game
IIRC the coords in OrthoMap are also in centimetres
I should know better, I made that mod
AutoLink doesn't touch inventories and just uses the game's high-level APIs to trigger its built-in chain actor rebuilding. There could theoretically be a race condition that leaves something corrupt... It would help to know how you built the specific merger that's causing the crash. You're also using a pretty old version of AutoLink and I'd recommend you upgrade, though I know of no reproducible corruption cases in any version.
should be this merger then

Do you know/remember how you built that one?
Why is it so close to another merger?
Pretty sure I set these all up before belt connections
Thought they looked pretty neat as a single structure, it's a splitter
Ah, how are they connected?
I'm like half convinced it's autolink connecting them
I would try separating them because the belt between the splitter and merger would be zero length
Yea no belt in there

Can you connect a belt to that port?
Now that the splitter is gone, there shouldn't be anything connected

Okay, then I'm pretty sure the merger and the splitter were directly attached to each other
That is theoretically possible with AutoLink - I'm looking at it now.
It wasn't an intended scenario but stuff tends to slip through
People build in... Different... Ways 😆
I noticed SnapOn when I was researching to make AutoLink and did notice it say it had crashes at random times. So if they're directly connected, that may just be something the game can't handle. Still looking
Yes, direct connections seem to cause race conditions because conveyors are multithreaded
For science! :birdbounce:
I had another merger splitter pair setup in exactly the same way, pulled those apart as well, lets see if new crashes happen
I originally made the inventory tick crash debugger mod to help someone figure out why this crash kept happening. Turns out there was a snapped-on splitter somewhere and they didn't even remember about it
Yep, it's connecting them. 🤦♂️ Give me a bit and I'll test out a fix.
Glad my bold factory building incompetence was helpful in a way! :3HC_dance:
Thanks all for the help :neko_happ: :BlobLoveGay:
I think I got it fixed. Building for release now
Ok, fixed in 0.5.2 which is now on the mod manager.
Of course, the fix is just to prevent you from doing what you did here, but at least the game shouldn't crash anymore 🙂
Once you disassemble all the existing direct-connected splitters/mergers, of course
I think I have removed the only two pairs I had setup like this, so far no crashes. I'll make this as resolved.
Resolution tl;dr
A merger to splitter pair had been set up with a direct connection (connection of 0 belts long) see image. This was possible due to some unintended behavior of AutoLink, as of AutoLink 0.5.2 this behaviour is prevented and should no longer cause
Assertion failed Itemclass
crashes.Existing cases can still cause crashes, these must be deconstructed manually