Can't connect mod-manager to locally installed dedicated server
I' am struggeling to find an answer how to connect the mod manager to the local instance of my dedicated server.
Cause i don't configured any username/password i switch to the simple config, but don't know what i have to enter behind the url
13 Replies
If your server is installed through Steam (not steamcmd) or Epic, SMM will just detect it automatically, you can check in the installs dropdown in the top left
If not, choose Path for the install type in the manage servers menu in SMM, and browse to the server in there
i have installed it through steam, but there are so many entries in my list, you know how it would be named?
i already tried adding the path of the SatisfactoryDedicatedServer.exe in there, but that didn't work, or what path does it want from me?
just the folder it's in
Wdym there are many entries in your list?
i, meant i just wasn't sure if it could be default or modded (should probably name those better 🙂

That's the profiles list
I meant here

It will show up with a server icon and the name Steam
you mean, this install list? is this second one already the server?

oh man, thank you so much, feel a bit stupid now 🙂