Hypertunnels 1st Person Hyperloop doesn't work on dedicated servers
I recently discovered Hypertunnels mod by @Roze and afaik they are the only ones who managed to enable a first person Hyperloop experience.
It works great in SP but on dedicated servers the 1st person view doesn't work.
Does anyone have an idea what's different on dedicated servers regarding player POV?
IMHO it should only be processed client-side..
But I'm not sure how they implemented ethe 1st person option.
So if anyone has an idea how to fix this or knows another mod that enables 1st person Hyperloops please let me know...
I love the first person view and want to share this experience with my folks 🙃
10 Replies
The mod should only affect client...
so I assumed but it doesn't work.. Setting enabled, works fine in Singleplayer but when I join a dedicated server with the mod installed I get the 3rd person view.
Did you test it on a dedicated server?
If you have any clue let me know - or if you wanna give me access to the source code I'll have a look on my own 🙂
I have not tested it on a dedicated, cause I don't have any set up.
This is most of the code for the mod, super iffy 🙂
/me pokes the @babodad
Thanks!! I will have a look at it tomorrow
@Roze you could try to remove "&& player->IsLocallyControlled()" in line 47
I need some check to make sure it does not happen when the player generating the event is another play. I'm fairly sure the event is triggered for all players, not just local.
You can try it.
However, I will not upload the change until its verified that it still works properly for MP. Eg. Everyone does not change to FPS when anyone goes into a hypertube or similar.
unfortunately it's exact the same behavior.. maybe you can add some debug logging into the code to see more details like if ECustomMovementMode::CMM_PipeHyper triggered or if AFGCharacterPlayer correct
This has some debug data. You might have to set the log category RGeomExtLog to display all messages