10 Replies
No, but there are mods to automate the resulting power shards, if that's what you're after?
I think SF+ added power slug breeding, but that isn't updated yet
Ficsit farming doggo building perhaps?
Or the DoggoLootCollector mod, but no idea if it has belt output.
It doesn't have a belt output
There is a late tier vanilla that does exactly that (automate shards not slugs), you don't need mods.
Tier 9?
I do have doggos
indeed, you can find some info on the wiki if you want to know what goes into it
>mod DoggoLootCollector
Fred Mod Search™
Doggo Loot Collector
Adds a building that automatically collects items from nearby Lizard Doggos
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1737649937:R>
Created by SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
I got that, just haven't used it yet, does it have pipe output?
no, you'll have to use Ficsit Farming for one with a belt output, although FF adds a lot of other systems including needing to feed the doggos