Efficiency Checker Mod Murdering Performance

Hi there, Just thought I'd put my experience out there, in case anyone else is tearing their hair out trying to resolve performance issues in Satisfactory. I am an enthusiastic user of the Efficiency Checker structure builds, and had used (according to satisfactory-calculator) 157 different instances across my factories (for reference, I'm about to finish tier 4 of the Space Elevator). After removing all instances of this mod, my FPS jumped from 30-35 up to 120. Not sure what exactly caused it, maybe it's running a recalculate too much, or the ways in which I was using it was causing an unnecessary strain on my system. Tagging @Marcio <Checkers/Copier/WallSup> for their consideration. And thanks for your work with the mod, it really is a life saver for my factory optimisation needs. I can provide further details, or a copy of the save if needed.
The screens. They are fps hoggers. Also, the checker itself, being triggered to re-calculate if anything is detected to change. that's why they show that "Calculating" screen for around 5 seconds: it is a delay to try in not triggering the re-calculation if you are just passing by it. And you have to be closer than 40m for it to actualy calculate the updated values
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4 Replies
Marcio Neves
Marcio Neves4mo ago
The screens. They are fps hoggers. Also, the checker itself, being triggered to re-calculate if anything is detected to change. that's why they show that "Calculating" screen for around 5 seconds: it is a delay to try in not triggering the re-calculation if you are just passing by it. And you have to be closer than 40m for it to actualy calculate the updated values
Marcio Neves
Marcio Neves4mo ago
It is a constant learning and work in progress, since I am not a game designer. Lately I have focusly relying just on the hand device for that, for example
CrazyOP4mo ago
Thanks for the response, Marcio. I will avoid using the buildings in my factories in favour of the hand tool as well.
Marcio Neves
Marcio Neves4mo ago
I think it is ok to place it down while you are building a production line, to check how it is going, and them remove it when no longer needed

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