What do i do to fix the error.

Just updatedd satisfactory to update one and now i get this error.
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(Known issue TargetRename1.0 / smmsteam1.0) 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods. To remove mods, delete the mod folder manually as described here: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#Files_Mods. After you have deleted the mods folder, launch the game normally from outside of the Mod Loader.
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2 Replies
FICSIT-Fred6mo ago
(Known issue TargetRename1.0 / smmsteam1.0) 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods. To remove mods, delete the mod folder manually as described here: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#Files_Mods. After you have deleted the mods folder, launch the game normally from outside of the Mod Loader.
Cal6mo ago
Don’t use mod loader to launch, it’s not updated. If you didn’t turn off mods prior to update, delete your mod folder.

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