road tool, no texture and other bugs

I've been using the "Road Tool" mod for Satisfactory and I've encountered an issue. The roads I construct with the mod are completely black, lacking textures, and they are not "solid" – my character falls through the road except on a narrow central line. Additionally, when trying to build a road, there is no way to get a snap connection with already constructed foundations. AndreAquila, could you please look into this issue? πŸ˜‡ Your mod was fantastic in the last version of the game and I’d love to see it working perfectly in 1.0. Thanks a lot for your help!
61 Replies
Helixβ€’4mo ago
I can confirm this as well. The road has a pitch black color, no texture, and I fall through curved sections.
Captain Copa Cabana
Captain Copa Cabanaβ€’4mo ago
Also having the same issue. Road is only black and unable to change color and add different material.
Hotwire90β€’4mo ago
can confirm. same issue. i fall through the road when walking on it. vehicles fall through as well. no texture and also sounds like you're walking on metal. btw this mod is great (when its fixed) but i wanted to offer a suggestion. this sounds like it would be hard to do but to add curbs.or the ability for curbs. probably wouldnt want them 100 percent of the time. again, i know thats probably not easy but thats a wish. also, the ability to use a build mode that locks the road straight
Captain Copa Cabana
Captain Copa Cabanaβ€’4mo ago
The curb idea is wonderful. I agree, that would really make this great.
Chaindr1v3β€’4mo ago
just wanted to add that this is happening to me as well
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Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
I have the same issue as well. @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
Azrael The Owl
Azrael The Owlβ€’4mo ago
I am having the issue where i can't even select the milestone in the hub to unlock the road tool
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
It's bugged out. You can find the road tool on the bottom of the transportation page of the build menu.
Azrael The Owl
Azrael The Owlβ€’4mo ago
ah many thanks!
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
No worries. Though it has bugs as you can see from the discussion.
Azrael The Owl
Azrael The Owlβ€’4mo ago
i have noticed. I hope they can be resolved. maybe the asphalt foundation texture could be used in place of the black texture, as most modern day roads are made of asphalt
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
I believe this mod used to have couple of different parts as well to handle intersections etc. Now it just has a wide and narrow road tool
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Curbs is nice... in some older version we have a paintable and with curbs, and a "Tall" one, the fills everything below... I plan to really work on that mod latter, specially with textures (hope soon) .. I will try now at least fix the collision, it really should be happening to really fit them with foundations (as it is actually tracks) , i think is better to make a kind of hole with foundations of 2meters.. i think it will fit , let me test it too
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
Textures, curbs etc are not really a priority or a must. If you could please fix the collision issue as soon as you can, that would be awesome. I really like the road tool mod and have been waiting for it to work properly for a long time now. I can't wait to utilize it πŸ™‚
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Nice.. im testing now... i think it will work. Now im wanting some glass roads too, like the conveyor mk6.... hehehe πŸ™‚ well, i have to let for later because there is a lot of bugs in other mods too AAAAHh!!
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
with asphalt is going to be nice, but i have to remap all meshes to really looks nice.
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Im uploading now, hope the new version works right! πŸ™‚
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
That's good news! Andre I'm curious about something. How does the intersections work with this mod? I mean let's say I want to leave the main road and go to different way, since I can't delete the pillars on the side of roads how can it be done? And also, is there a way to snap to a road and build from that node? Like rails?
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Yeah! Its like the train tracks, you can make them like this
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
but its not very good that way
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
This is just... Mind-blowing and brilliant. Oh wait So, how do we connect 2 roads?
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
i think the best way will be something like this
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
But then again there is a white pillar thing there how will the vehicles go over it? Do you think you can make a road without those white barriers so that we can use it to connect roads?
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago yes, in the update 7 version of that mod we have them without the white barriers too... i plan to add them soon as i can πŸ™‚
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
the vehicles will be good crossing it But doesnt look very good too
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
Ohh those white things are the same height as the road! I see. Yeah It doesn't look good but when you add the one without white borders it will all workout
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
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AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
we had those variations before
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
No description
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
So, I'm sorry for bombarding you with questions but do you think that you will be able to make the normal foundations snap to the roads? And/or a way to snap truck station to the road? I mean the whole point of the roads is to utilize truck stations Yes I remember
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
but Update 8 broke everything, and 1.0, a broke a little more heheh hope to work on that soon, make a lot of new ones πŸ™‚
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
Your work is insane and I have huge respect and admiration for your work mate. When I improve my financial situation I will support you:)
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
That makes me happy Erich... I have a lot of fun doing it, don't worry about that ever. Its really a work i do for fun... Now let me see the next bug heheh, if you see something strange in the mods, please let me know!
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
It's obvious that you love the work you do. I'm eagerly waiting for all the improvements you will add to the road tool in the future. Take care of yourself.
Captain Copa Cabana
Captain Copa Cabanaβ€’4mo ago
So I'm curious. Would it be difficult to make the white curb portion with cement pillars (raised up slightly, instead of just painted lines? Not sure how the clipping would be resolved though. This is looking great btw.
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
I had one road with 2 meters curb each side if i not mistake. I want to add it asap. They have a little elevation.
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
Well normal roads + roads with raised curbs/sidewalks and roads with no curbs etc. for intersections are all we need for now
Hotwire90β€’4mo ago
question. the mod page still says it includes "road 11" which was the vanilla platform version. can you still include this? I want to use this mod but all my friends want to keep it vanilla. I still see the opportunity for your mod to save me countless hours. also, i know youre working on other mods and bugs. I seen that you'll be working on textures. is there any way to get the vanilla asphalt texture? also noticed the road sounds like you're walking on metal, not asphalt. keep up the good work. all of your mods are amazing. i installed a bunch of mods i liked and didn't realize it at first but they're all yours! XD
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
im trying to find where the "sounds" come from in the files. As it is a Track variant. Will work on that and soon as i can will add the "foundation spawner" too.
Lynkfoxβ€’4mo ago
there is no way to use mods at the same time as non modded users in a MP game. >multiplayer
FICSIT-Fredβ€’4mo ago
In general, assume all players need the same set of mods installed to play together. There are some exceptions. Learn about those exceptions, and how to identify if mods are multiplayer compatible, here:
Lynkfoxβ€’4mo ago
:NOOOO: when did that command change to say there are exceptions... :laugh: anyway, a buildable in the game world is not going to be an exception πŸ™‚ that being said i do not believe there are exceptions in the case of Vanilla + Modded
Hotwire90β€’4mo ago
Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I meant was that I would pull the save file to local modded and place my road 11 foundations (which are vanilla and persist even when the mod isn't installed) then uninstall mods on my PC, put the save back on the server, and rejoin my friends in vanilla. This will save me time placing foundations. Then ask I need to do is the curbs by hand
Lynkfoxβ€’4mo ago
In theory, yes that is ok. As long as the objects are indeed vanilla objects being placed they will persist. From what you've said I've no reason to believe they aren't, but you'll know as soon as you load the game without the mod installed
Eliβ€’4mo ago
Road tool seems to be leaving weird ramps on incline/declines. also leaving invisible "blocks" or something every few stretches. My poor tractors keep hitting them lol
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Hey Eli, that happens in all types of roads, or you are using an specific road?
Eliβ€’4mo ago
All roads i tried. On a dedicated server if that makes a difference I think the only one I did not try was the biggest ones because they didn't fit in the area I was building. Also I should mention the weird ramps are also invisible.
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
It was fine before you uploaded the new update with the textures etc. @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> The ramp issue i talked about above only happens with Road 1 - 16m x2m and Road 5 - 32mx2m. And I caught another bug: Road 4 has a "bump/visible wall" in its connection with another road
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> This is the video for "bump" issue :
riftβ€’4mo ago
hello @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> , in addition to Erich's reported issues above, I'm also encountering odd collision behavior. I don't know if it is the roads themselves or if this behavior occurs due to something in the game. Here's an example I recorded:
riftβ€’4mo ago
^ this collision bug is on road 16x 2m, the issue seems gone on version 1.0.8 of the mod, 1.0.9 that implements the texture changes to this road seems to have the collision bug
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
Try the 16m road with no white stripes until Andre fixes this. I had no issues with the 2nd 16m road
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Im on it, sorry guys!! 😦 I will try to solve all collision problem for we to start adding new roads πŸ™‚ Im copying the 2nd 16m road collision style to all others, let see if it works I did some tests and no bump until now... πŸ™‚ let me know! (v1.0.10)
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
AndreAquilaβ€’4mo ago
Thank you Erich, helped me a LOT! πŸ™‚ let me know if you encountered some wierd stuff in it πŸ™‚
Erich Hartmann
Erich Hartmannβ€’4mo ago
Anything to help you mate, of course πŸ™‚

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