Male Character Model?
I see exists, but has anyone made a male player model since the readme was written? I have some trans friends who have been getting pretty dysphoric with the default female player model to the point of not wanting to play the game.
GitHub - chrisj42/CharacterReplacer: The source for a fairly simple...
The source for a fairly simple Character Mesh replacement mod for Satisfactory. This mod is fully network-compatible, and allows all players to individually select from the installed avatars which ...
6 Replies
not that i know of
okay, we'll look into making one
gotta love all the dumbasses on reddit when someone asked for a male model going "but lore" and "but this is just what women have experienced" not thinking that maybe, just maybe, we should design games for everyone
funny how if it's for trans players no hate lol. men get all the hate