Structural Solutions Multiplayer Problems
we got Problems with Structural solutions when I join my friend I get an instant dc
15 Replies
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triggered by @Taximilian2I was about to come in and do a post about the mod not showing the structures. Won't create a new issue since this one exists
If your issue is seperate from this one then make a seperate post
I'm afraid this is a Reliable Buffer Overflow, which there's not a lot you can do about except "have less mods"
It's a core game issue which we don't have a workaround for yet - essentially there's a hard limit on the number of schematics usable in an online game. Structural Solutions has a lot of buildables, and therefore a lot of schematics, so is often one of the mods people encounter this issue with.
@sjhoward I got an Idea how about the author splitts his mod in single packs so its possible only to download the stuff u need
Do you have a log from the host? I want to see what the host's game says in the logs when you try connect (and fail)
not at the moment but I can get one
@Rex [they/them]
@Rex [they/them]
[2024.11.10-13.50.34:179][885]LogNetPartialBunch: Warning: SendBunch: Reliable partial bunch overflows reliable buffer! [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem, Role: 3, RemoteRole: 1 [UChannel] ChIndex: 14, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: EOS:0002649a55584a1e93dabd0c5bfb4e31:GameNetDriver:26, Name: IpConnection_2147465637, Driver: GameNetDriver NetDriverEOSBase_2147472278, IsServer: YES, PC: BP_PlayerController_C_2147465506, Owner: BP_PlayerController_C_2147465506, UniqueId: Epic:17 (EAS=[2a5c5ce10a59493a9a91a324bdb296ea] EOS=[0002649a55584a1e93dabd0c5bfb4e31])
I was hoping to get the bot to spell it out for me but alas
ah ok
(Known crash
) Something is causing the replication reliable buffer of [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem
to be overburdened! The limit is 8 but there were 278 items.
This crash tends to happen when joining a multiplayer game with a lot of content. If the buffer is on the Recipe Manager or Schematic Manager, try removing mods that introduce lots of recipes or schematics (HUB/MAM/shop unlocks).
In this case, looks like it's something related to conveyors?