Mod Manager Wont Open
When I try to open the manager nothing happens, the folder for it only has the log file in it. The log is showing these errors and nothing else each time I launch it.

Solution:Jump to solution
Try this build of SMM
Google Docs
8 Replies
please send the full log file
those are unrelated informational messages

I assume that is the full file? you have cropped it so I can't tell if there is a scroll bar, it would be ideal to upload the log file itself
not sure what could be causing it to die so early, @Mircea (Area Actions) might have to look into that
in the mean time you could try to use ficsit-cli
GitHub - satisfactorymodding/ficsit-cli: A CLI tool for managing mo...
A CLI tool for managing mods for the game Satisfactory - satisfactorymodding/ficsit-cli
Sorry about that here is the full log
Try this build of SMM
Google Docs
It will either work, meaning the next SMM update will fix the issue for you, or it will log why it failed to start
Okay that seemed to work. Thanks