Alpakit wont pak, Android.Automation.dll not found
Solution:Jump to solution
- Uninstall engine
- Reinstall engine
- Clean/Revert entire SML folder to dev
- Reintegrate WWISE
- Generate Project Files...
5 Replies
Does that Android.Automation.dll exist? It does for me, so if it's not there for you, the engine install must have went wrong somehow
It doesn't but I've reinstalled the engine already to no effect
I think you could work around the issue by deleting the .json file it mentions, because we don't need Android anyway, but it might then complain about another module
RunUAT.bat ERROR: Visual studio and/or AutomationTool.csproj was not found, nor was Engine\Binaries\DotNET\AutomationTool\AutomationTool.dll. Can't run the automation tool.
just ran the uninstaller and am reinstalling it, again lolSolution
- Uninstall engine
- Reinstall engine
- Clean/Revert entire SML folder to dev
- Reintegrate WWISE
- Generate Project Files
- Build (Clean) of SML in VS with none of my mods
Apparently half measures weren't enough. Had to go full nuclear.
Alpakit works now.