Loader/Unloader mod Romote1 error
Its me again Andre, im getting this error on my dedicated server's SMM3

9 Replies
Could not obtain file 'image.png' due to
404, message='Not Found', url='https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1213341452319330327/1295805619911266325/image.png'
-# Responding to Download failed
triggered by @SultonMRPgot image error??
it doesnt have a dedicated server build

(something that is in plan to be clarified in SMM iin future updates)
ya.....SMM3 dont show that info >.>
they need to add more Compatibility icons to SMM3 :3
like i said, its in the works.
ya my logistics freak friend is drooling over this 😄