SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by SultonMRP on 11/11/2024 in #help-using-mods
Belt and Miner(BAM) constructor input issue
@moidu21 Mk8 contructor issue, if you try to put items in it it crashes client spits error out, was tested on dedicated server and single player, if constructor has no power you can put stuff in input slot as soon you put power on it, it crashes. i attached file, it didnt work heres paste.bin listing of server error
2 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by SultonMRP on 10/15/2024 in #help-using-mods
Loader/Unloader mod Romote1 error

13 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by SultonMRP on 10/12/2024 in #help-using-mods
Faster Hard Drive Research mod update please
someone please update one of the faster hard drive research mods to 1.0, my ADHD friends are twitchin (and not the streaming service)
7 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
•Created by SultonMRP on 10/12/2024 in #help-using-mods
Dimensional Depot Downloader and Dedicated Server 1.0
Hello, me and few friends are playing 1.0 on a dedicated server and it seams this mod just wants to freely generate iron ore, no iron ore in dim storage, but keeps spiting it out. we try selecting other items, but only iron ore comes out
91 replies