Mk.6 Belt Out of Nowhere
anyone know what could spawn this in? I don't have it unlocked and it straight up replaced a mk.4 belt when I dismantled it.
Yep, fix has been released

Multiplayer Crashing after 10hours
My Gf and I started a new modded world, and we played for about 6 hours last night. This morning I played solo for a couple and when she tried to join the game wouldn't stop crashing one or both of our games once she loaded into the game. The weird thing is if i start a new world we can play together with the exact same mods.
In the error message. The two lines that catch my eye are
Modular Stations version help
Hello All, hope this is ok to post, having issues getting Modular Stations to load with Satisfactory on Steam.
Refined power reactor not taking input power
Built my reactor had everything hooked up but it will not take the base 100MW required. Hooked up directly to grid 5000MW still nothing
ModUpdateNotifier Incorrectly Displaying "latest version"
I installed UEVR Enhancements,
Mod Manager installs
as its the latest release
, NOT beta
or alpha
Launch Game, Informs me that there is a "new version" available.
. ...CCTV Monitoring Cameras - Kills Player
As the title, when placed, the user enters the camera fia the control panel, or directly with the camera itself. Only issue is when you exit the camera feed, it slams you into the ground so hard that you die almost instantly everytime. Also, the screens dont work... This is a bug report, and easily testable, just ask for my SMM Profile, so you will have all the mods I am using, and perhaps its an unintended interraction between this one and the others... I use a lot fo mods, BTW. Cool mod though...
if a mod is broken, is it useable at all?
if not, is there any way to downgrade my game so i can use broken mods?
>downgrade (please note that this route is entirely unsupported)
SMM unable to find my satisfactory game
Log file open, 03/28/25 11:26:59
LogWindows: Custom abort handler registered for crash reporting.
LogInit: Display: Running engine for game: FactoryGame
LogInit: Display: Project file not found: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/FactoryGame/FactoryGame.uproject...
Continuous Space Elevator Phase 3 doesn't do anything (Stable branch)
Per title, when providing materials per minute to unlock phase 3, nothing happens.
On quitting the game and loading the save, everything is unlocked, even higher phase stuff.
Looking for Modpack that i forgot
does anyone know how i can install mods? im wanting a test server before i put it in my actual server
for example
flying, godmode and giving myself resources...
Hello, and welcome to the modding community!
Click the link for:
How to download, install, and use the Satisfactory Mod Manager
Help with mods...
cables choices
Hi all
maybe i am stupid or to old or i missed something... how can i change cable to the white laser style like in one of the pics on SML-Page (Right Side Background Red Green and white) or SML-Page of Compact Power Tower (4th Pic)?
Thank you all...
Straight wire (silica) with the luminous skin
Set recipes fast
does anyone know how to set recipes on a large number of machines? I searched online and found some people saying area actions and smart mods but they aren't working.
Currently the fastest way I know is ctrl c and ctrl v but this is really to slow for many machines...
blueprint zooper + autolink?
Has anyone gotten the blueprint zooping from the ''Blueprint zooper'' mod to work with the ''autolink'' mod i would love to be able to zoop machine presets with input and outputs. I tried connecting them but it didn't want to work, in the picture it has 2 machines placed with blueprint zooper but unfortunaly they don't connect. I know the ''Zoop spawn for vanilla machines'' technically has this but it works in the wrong orientation for the outputs and it doesn't work for modded machines.
So for the future if anyone else is having this problem with this mod combination. If you use the blueprint shown above you need a zoop offset of -310 to get them to connect.
Smelter offset value = -310
Constructor offset value = -410
Assembler offset value =-510...

Structure solution bug
That mod causing bug. When we use it we cant use hand tools. That bug was report for an other mod Efficiency checker. The moder said by SMM he cant do nothing because he dont have the neccessary ressources to fix it. Then he wont fix it. Another mod as the same bug: FICSIT farming.
What mods are useful for building?
i plan on building some big buildings and wondering what mods are helpful for that, i dont use any mods atm if it matters for anything conflicting
[question] Project Assembly Positioning
How does one reset the changes without uninstalling the mod?
i may have left it on and went and made a sandwich.
sincerely, ...
Mod config edits not saving
When I edit mod configs from main menu or in game, the next time I open the game they're set back to default. What could be the issue?