Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





satisfactory+ error

this happens when i try launching the game with sf+ installed
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missing a mod

I'm fairly new to mods and stuff so I don't know which mod is missing can anyone tell me
Open up SMM, select the Installed filter, and uninstall any mod which has a yellow or red title
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Unlock all alternate recipes mod by andre aquila not working

ive tried restarting to get it to work i dont know what else to do

hosting unlimited dedicated server no connection to mod manager

Hi all. Read a few notes about this issue but no solution. Server is running, ftp access with any client works but smm keeps saying that the directory cant be listed / factoryserver.exe not found. File is visible in FTP Client. Any good ideas? They are running the Server on Windows, full file access...

Something went wrong

Started getting this error when trying to install mods on a dedicated server (from steam), but now it also appears when i try to install mods on my game
Perfect circles doesn't have a dedicated server build
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server insta crash (experimental)

did experimental broke server mods? my server wont start anymore 😦 my server logs:

Insta Crash when playing,

It never happened prior to updating Taj`s Graphical overhaul to 3.0.0

failed to validate installation: failed reading FactoryGame.exe: failed to list path:...

Hi there, we are trying to install mods on a 3rd party server with ftp full access. SMM cannot find please help 🙂...
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Mirror blueprint along specific axis?

Hello, I hope I'm in the right place. I want to mirror a blueprint on the X axis. To do this I just have to go through every object in the .sbp and set X = -X, right? ...

Bio gens do not work period

No matter the fuel they start up, dont burn fuel and just instantly trip the fuse. wont even charge a battery. Trying to find how to get logs to see if someone can figure it out
Biomass generators won't charge batteries at all, because they're the only power source in the game which is only spent by using it instead of being a constant burn

Issues linking my server to Mod Manager

So I recently invested in a server host for my friends and I to have less lag on multiplayer and I tried adding the SFTP credentials and it doesn't give me the option to "Add" however it does when I change the SFTP to Advanced Mode but then I get this error
failed to add installation: failed to validate installation: failed to connect to ssh server: ssh: handshake failed: EOF
failed to add installation: failed to validate installation: failed to connect to ssh server: ssh: handshake failed: EOF
for the path I copied the location of my satisfactory .exe file path. Am I doing something wrong?

SMOD file to UPLUGIN file

good day everybody. a stupid question. How to play satis over a dedicated server. In order to be able to play with mods, we unfortunately have to integrate/upload the mods manually. When I download the mod manually I always get a SMOD file, but in order to load it onto the server the file has to become a folder which is then the file as a UPLUGIN file. How do I get that?
You just mentioned the name of a hosting provider (Gportal) that either does NOT support or has incomplete support for modded Satisfactory dedicated servers! Check the list here to learn more. -# Rule logic: -# Responding to unsupporteddedicatedserverhost triggered by @Nashra...

Game Crash on Startup - Plugin Failed to Load because Module could not be found...

Hello -- I am baffled as to why this modloader is not working. I have a relative fresh Satisfactory instal. After installing SMM I downloaded mods that were compatible and when trying to launch I get an error that a "module... could not be found. Please ensure the plugin in properly installed..." I checked the game folder and can confirm that the mods are installed in the correct location: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory\FactoryGame\Mods If I "Turn Mods Off" in SMM the game loads just fine. I just cannot seem to instal any mods - as I have tried a few different ones, each giving me the same message but with different module names. I would really appreciate any advice as I have modded many games without running in to this type of issue. I have also verified the game files....
OMG it finally worked. So after uninstalling the game for the second time - there are still a heap of files left over in the Satisfactory folder under steamapps/common/Satisfactory - some dating back to 2023 - so i deleted this whole folder, reinstalled the game and the mods and the game ran without any issues. Really appreciate this forum with their assistance. @jess I hope you have the same success....
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game wont start

hey there, i've used smm before and i wiped my computer and cant seem to get it to work now. here is my debug report. i hope someone can help! works fine as normal, through smm game doesnt start...

Somethings wrong with mod install

Hello, i have this problem when i download some mod, i don't know how to put the pissing mods, can you help me ?
That's a lot of mods which aren't supported on the current version of the game! Generally if a mods name is red in SMM, you shouldn't try to install it

Old modded save, check what mods were installed

Redownloaded the game again and my previous save was modded but cant remember what mods were installed. Can I check it somehow?...
If you install SML, it will warn you about missing mods when you try to load a modded save

game says plugin error everytime i load it up

evrytime i load the game it says plugin error for all my mods asks if i want to disable them after i say yes to disabling all of them the sf logo shows up and gives me another error pls help


does anyone know a mod how i can paste images in bilboards?

How to downgrade to 0.8?

Im typing download_depot 526870 526871 6115619736125052645 in stream console and get the error Depot download failed : error downloading manifest 6115619736125052645 from (Access Denied) Even though I own the game. What to do here?...
You need to provide your steam user login and password so the steam can confirm you own the game. Refer to the steamcmd documentation for the syntax. Also note it will try to download whole thing onto whatever drive you are running the steam cmd from - make sure you have nough space (twice the game size for unpacking purposes)