Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





Having issues with quick switch groups

I'm making a custom foundation type but I'm having issues incorporating in the existing foundations. It just appears in every group, and if I switch material it just disappears. I'm also having issues with the material (for now I just have the concrete type)
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Help understanding CDO edits.

I don't quite understand CDO edits, I know how to add to an existing recipe but I don't know how to add a new recipe slot as stated here by @Rex [they/them] . And redirecting me to a Source code or something to allow me to study it would be great just need something as the example doesn't have such preview. For a basis the Node I am trying to modify is a Node in the Research Tree "Alien Technology" - Somer...

Asset Dumper problem

On executing the powershell cmd im getting this error (IMG) I Generate and rebuild the whole project. Also deleted the mod and alpakit it again....
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How to create Blueprints in Unreal Engine

I am followingthe docs. on and now i have to creade my first blueprint "code". I am able to create every node i need besides the purple ones. (Factory Grab Output, Return Node). How can i get these in the graph?

Which branch should we clone

Like the title say, should we actually still clone the Master branch or should we clone the dev branch for updated headers?
IIRC, dev currently has a few extra things in ExampleMod and such, but either should work. I think there's ideas to merge dev into master soon

Linux mod development?

Has anyone successfully set up modding/development environment on linux? I'm asking this because i don't want to spend a long time compiling the custom version of unreal engine just to find out something later on is blocking this from being possible. In particular i don't know if Wwise will work on linux, they have some documentation for linux but there isn't a clear way to get the sdk since there isn't an official installer and i wan't able to find other means of downloading the sdk....

Lost! How do I make a "simple patch" mod?

Okay, I'm lost. How do I create a simple mod that patches/overrides the Radar Tower mRevealRange? I've been following the "Satisfactory Modding Documentation" under Development up to where I have the RootGameWorld_RadarRangeIncrease Blueprint Class, and checked with Alpakit that it shows up in the game's mods, which it does. I don't need a recipe, or a new item, or new buildable, just a "patch" to the game's existing Radar Tower. Where do I go from here?

Troubleshooting client "module could not be loaded" when the mod compiles fine

working on updating a nearly full C++ mod. it compiles+packages fine for editor and shipping, but client crashes on the menu and gets the good ol': Plugin 'SmartFoundations' failed to load because module 'SmartFoundations' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up. unfortunately the mod is closed source so I can't share code here without asking Alex. what steps can I take from here to find out what is actually going wrong with the module?...

Not sure what I've done wrong.

Okay, I've followed the guide here; to the letter. Made sure I followed every step. I'm at the Project Compilation step where I am to open the FactoryGame.sln in VS. I do this, I select Games>FactoryGame>FactoryGame and am met with this. I check to make sure the VSIT is installed, and it is. Don't know why. Everything has been installed in default locations. I've done everything up to this point with NO errors. So I figure "Build and see what happens" so I make sure it's on "Development Editor" & "Win64" then right-click on FactoryGame and click Build. But......
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No plugins folder in the content browser in UE

Im trying to get into developing satisfactory mods, but i cant find all the folders the in the "ALL" folder. There is allso a wierd messege on the screen. Ill provide screenshots. So far ive been strictly following the guides on
- you need to enable "show plugin content" to see it. future docs will have this mentioned earlier in the process - the landscape warning can be safely ignored...
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ResearchTree doesn't unlock

Hey I made a research tree for my mod, it does unlock correctly in a new game But if the Nutrients and the Mycelia trees are already finished before adding the mod, my tree stay unlocked...
I just tested it, and it works perfectly ! ❤️ The tree is unlocked and the nodes already researched on others tree are unlocked too (f.e. the Berry Node)...

Is there a way to make a recipe unlock when a existing research node is completed

Refer to this to catch up on the issue I have, and before any says check the example mod file... It isn't there.

Schematic in Awesome Shop doesn't appear

I've created a schematic to unlock a new buildable in the awesome shop but it doesn't show up. I did set the schematic category and sub category, cost and correct recipe to unlock
Nevermind, forgot to actually add the schematic to the game world module

Error opening starter project

I want to get into making mods, and am following the 1.0 docs. I have done every step successfully up till actually opening the ue5 editor for the starter project. At first it gave me this error: Plugin 'Wwise' failed to load because module 'Wwise' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up. Then, I reintegrated Wwise into the project (literally didn't change anything, just ran the integration again) and it stopped giving me that. Now it...
I seem to have fixed the problem by rebuilding in visual studio

Change the way the Fuel Generator works

Hello, I am a begginner at modding, and just wanted to make a "simple" mod (that's what I first though) for my friend and me. I'll explain there : My friend had a great idea, make a challenging world where we can't use infinite power (coal, normal fuel or nuclear) and see where we can go. It means we need to farm mobs to get energy through their proteins, by changing them into solid biofuel. Thanks to the somersloop, we can have a massive amount of solid biofuel, and put it into a massive amount of biomass burners....
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Error trying to package mod with alpakit

Here's the alpakit log I got:
The game path should be C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory

Starter Project Unreal Message

I've got this message on my screen, does this mean I have to rebuild the starter project in vs?
You only need to worry about this message if you're working on a mod that adds a custom level
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Using the UE ModelingToolsEditorMode plugin

Hello When I activate this plugin (UE UI) I have this message Even if I generate the files and recompile in VS, the project is corrupted How to activate this plugin in the project? For now I use it in a full version of UE 5.3.2 with asset transfers...
Installing this tool: 1/ Install a full version of UE 5.3.2 2/ Copy (and replace) the following folders into your UE-CSS: - C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Editor\ModelingToolsEditorMode - C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\GeometryFlow...
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Mesh have no physics

After creating one of the resource node meshes and setting the parameters so that it could fall according to physics, it doesn't work, the model just flies in the air and don't want to fall. ```cpp AActor* NewActor = World->SpawnActor<AActor>(AActor::StaticClass(), FTransform(Location + FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f))); if (!NewActor) return false;...
Yeah, but it's still levitating. I think my problem is gone, I just create BoxComponent, attach mesh to it and it works fine
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