Satisfactory Modding


Satisfactory Modding

Modding community for Satisfactory, the factory building and exploration game by Coffee Stain.





Research Tree always lock after finish the tree

i have no idea how fixed it , the research tree are link to geothermal vanilla!
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Issue building starter project

Hey, I'm having an error when trying to compile the starter project for the first time (following this section of the docs: I'm getting this:...
I guess it's a pretty hacky fix, but you can remove the PreBuildSteps entry from the .uproject

GUI does not work correctly

Hello, I'm trying to make a smaller drone port, with small drone that can carry less items. The small drones seems to work between regular stations. I can also set up the drones destination between my small ports, and it works, but only in the gui of the regular stations. But, when I open my small drone port, the UI is completly broken. ...
new summary: - inherit child of the drone station building instead of copying it - copy and modify the Deco_DroneStation it uses to eal with the floating fog planes and sign snap points - set mSkipBuildEffect to false and ForceLegacyBuildEffect to true (this might no longer be needed once future updates fix some vanilla bugs with the build effect animation)...
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Alpakit not packing on mod that was just created

Here is the Log.txt and the UBT-FactoryGameSteam-Win64-Shipping.txt file. Not really sure what to do here...

Hook crashing on save load in unexpected manner

Mod: troublesome hook (narrowed down to this via commenting the others out) ```cpp SUBSCRIBE_METHOD_VIRTUAL(UFGWorkBench::TickComponent, workBenchCDO, [](auto& scope, UFGWorkBench* self, float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction) {...
it seems like the cause of the crash is the !self->mManufacturingButton->IsButtonHeld() check

Any help? im trying to build FactoryGame

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details Error MSB3073 The command ""D:\satisfactory_modds\Unreal Engine - CSS\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat" FactoryEditor Win64 DebugGame -Project="D:\satisfactory_modds\Projects\SatisfactoryModLoader\FactoryGame.uproject" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild" exited with code 6. FactoryGame D:\BigBoi\vs2022\dl\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 44...

Make the voice of ADA and the aliens

Decided to make a mod for translating ADA. The voice turned out to be +- normal, but with some differences. The guides I could find are either outdated or do not work. Does anyone have a guide to the effects for ADA and aliens?

Alpakit not packing on freshly created mod

Hello, trying to get setup with modding in 1.0 (from a fresh setup, not upgrade) and running into the attached error when trying to run Alpakit on a fresh, blank mod. I followed the dev docs through to this point: Experienced with software dev but new to modding 🙂 Any help is appreciated!...

Alpakit wont pak, Android.Automation.dll not found

```Running AutomationTool... Using bundled DotNet SDK version: 6.0.302 Starting AutomationTool... Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=C:/SatisfactoryModding/SatisfactoryModLoader/FactoryGame.uproject PackagePlugin -project=C:/SatisfactoryModding/SatisfactoryModLoader/FactoryGame.uproject -clientconfig=Shipping -serverconfig=Shipping -utf8output -DLCName=SML -build -platform=Win64 -nocompileeditor -installed -CopyToGameDirectory_Windows=D:/EpicGames/SatisfactoryExperimental/ -LaunchGame_Windows=EpicExp Initializing script modules......
- Uninstall engine - Reinstall engine - Clean/Revert entire SML folder to dev - Reintegrate WWISE - Generate Project Files...

Steam cannot load due to missing dlls, EGS fires up just fine.

[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: uv.dll
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: zlib1.dll
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: uv.dll
[2024.10.11-17.30.40:676][ 0]LogWindows: Missing import: zlib1.dll

How do i get accsess to the satisfactorymodding repo?

How can i join the satisfactorymodding repo?

error code when trying to set up

I get the error:"C:/ar/w/UnrealEngine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Programs/Shared/UnrealEngine.csproj.props" was not found. on visual studeo, can somebody help fix it?...
I found the issue. I didn't select ".net framework 4.8.1 SDK" in the individual components. After I did that, It worked as intended.

my previous mods are not in the launcher

how can i get all the mods back from the old save file?

WWise Issues on First Build

Based on the Docs it states to edit the EngineAssociation in the .upproject to "5.2.1-CSS" but the current dev repo is "5.3.2-CSS". I changed it and installed the version of Wwise as recommended in the docs. Upon first build I get... Unable to find plugin 'WwiseNiagara' (referenced via FactoryGame.uproject). Install it and try again, or remove it from the required plugin list. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine - CSS\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat" FactoryEditor Win64 Development -Project="D:\Modding\SatisfactoryModLoader-dev\FactoryGame.uproject" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild" exited with code 6....
See for things to keep in mind for 1.0 modding. Including what version of the docs to use
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Hey, does anyone have any clue why sometimes the widget material is not applying?

It keeps black like in this screenshot. It eventually come back working if I remove and re-add to my hand slots. Any clue?
you need to re-initialize render target on equip
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974 Errors when building project for the first time

I am new to developing mods for satisfactory and am having issues doing my first compile of the FactoryGame project in Visual Studio while following the guide in the docs Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...
I fixed it by doing these steps cause NuGet was having issues
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Position of Resource Ores/Nodes

I wanna create a C++ application (dll) that can fully manipulate resource nodes (changing positions, types, purity, randomize them, etc.) in the game by hooking functions without Unreal Engine (I'm so bad with it)., but I can get how to do that. I'm not familiar with the Unreal objects, but how to get this data by hooking game? Even in this repository I can't find necessary information: I was hoping it would be something like in Unity, every object has an own transform, but seems it's not....
The idea is to inject a component into an actor, the code in the component can easily retrieve the actor using "Get Owner"

How do I test my 1.0 mod on Windows dedicated server?

I've been searching all over docs and discord so I apologize if I just missed it. SMM doesn't work on 1.0 yet, ficsit-cli hasn't been updated since long before 1.0, and I've been using the latest Alpakit to install my mod on my local instance. How do I install my mod on my personal Windows dedicated server (it's on a different machine than my dev instance)? I was able to use Alpakit to build for the Windows server target but the docs specifically say not to just copy the mod files over, so I...
If not, copy the <projectdir>\Saved\ArchivedPlugins\<ModName>\<ModName> to the server's FactoryGame\Mods\<ModName> dir (that <ModName> dir should then immediately contain the <ModName>.uplugin

Buildings with no Cost never finish their build animation

Testing updating "Early and Free Blueprint Designer" mod, but the (vanilla) buildings never finish their build animation once they have no cost. Saving and loading results in a complete building. I remember this being discussed in another channel recently, but can't find it via search. Is there a fix other than giving the building a cost? I saw "Force Legacy Build Effect" on the building actor class but would rather not use that (assuming it works) if there's a better way...
bug in a build effect; no other fix available for now

How can I change the color parameters on the pioneer materials?

Hi, I'm working on a customizable character buildable for Factory Props (see this for context), and I'm trying to link the material colors to the color pickers similar to the player customizer in the HUB, but I'm not sure how to change those values on the materials. I've tried creating and applying a dynamic material instance and setting the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary vector parameters, but tho...
I think it might be indexes (6,7,8), the player data stops there
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