how to stack buildings inside eachother?
i've seen some blueprints online where the buildings are stacked on the exact same spot, i just want to know how they did this so im able to make a few of my own designs
Solution:Jump to solution
Fred Mod Search™
Soft Clearance for Everything
All Buildings get Soft Clearance
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1729101701:R>
Created by SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
5 Replies
>mod soft clearance for everything
Fred Mod Search™
Soft Clearance for Everything
All Buildings get Soft Clearance
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1729101701:R>
Created by SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
>mod infinite nudge
Fred Mod Search™
Infinite Nudge
Nudge forever, vertically, in smaller increments, scale, and rotate on any axis. Also nudge extractors!
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1736786627:R>
Created by SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
yep soft clearance was what i was after