Build Gun Utilities Issues (Unable to dismantle moved foundation and crash)

@SifVerT , I did identify one definite issue and one plausible crash linked to your mod. Sadly, I missed out on getting the debug log for the first crash. My findings are simply based on not being used to the mod and habitually sprinting while dismantling which, as one may guess, resulted in me moving buildings (awesome feature btw). In both accidental instances, this resulted in foundations being moved and I noticed that I can not dismantle them anymore. The first time I even got stuck before the game decided to semi-randomly crash (I do not know the trigger). The second time I crashed when I loaded a save but that save is fine. The third time I just tested for consistency (seems to affect primarily foundations, concrete or basic may not matter) and I kept waiting for a crash. Tbh I did not test that much. Fred told me that the 'nullschematic' error from the second crash is a known issue so hopefully this can be resolved rather easily. I'll be posting the debug package below. For now (and thank you for making both configurable), I'll turn the move feature off and for the future I'll be using Caps.
19 Replies
SakuraKoiOPā€¢5mo ago
Debug logs from the second crash.
FICSIT-Fredā€¢5mo ago
Automated responses for SakuraKoi (1213228791346892854)
(Known error nullschematic) Note to mod developers: the mod FicsitWiremod is attempting to register a null schematic, as of SML3.6 this is no longer a crash but should still be resolved. This could be caused by leaving a null entry in the list, or by referencing content from a mod that is not loaded at runtime.
Key Details for
SMM Version: 3.0.2
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 181
Game: WindowsClient CL 372858 from steam
Path: `d:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.2
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 181
Game: WindowsClient CL 372858 from steam
Path: `d:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SifVerTā€¢5mo ago
If you can't target foundations after moving them is solved by reloading the save, it's an issue that was solved but reemerged Fred says it's related to Wiremod it seems, the crash.
SakuraKoiOPā€¢5mo ago
Well, if the 'resolved by reloading the save' means that it was never moved in the first place then yes, that's what I just experienced (and I had to take a second take). I'll have to see if I can't reproduce the normal crash since it happened while I was confused about being stuck and unable to dismantle (I did not load a save) while I also need to find out who this Wiremod is (should only be Cable Choices+).
Rick Wilder
Rick Wilderā€¢5mo ago
Circuitry - Logic gates and More - SMR
Allows you to create circuits to control your factory in any way you want
SakuraKoiOPā€¢5mo ago
Seems like the crash was already reported yesterday on their server already, though deleted, there is already an open PR. Now there is also something else I may need to test in detail since calling a personal drone (from Andre's) does not work anymore, perhaps due to how the menu instantly opens but I'm certain it did work before with BGU.
SifVerTā€¢5mo ago
Save and reload and the building is moved to the new location. It's a visual glitch. The mesh remains in the original location while the object has been moved. I had fixed it but for some reason it got back. That the widget interferes with other mods is known. I don't know if it can't be fixed if the other mod owner gives focus to their widget. The layer of my widget should not be over other base game widgets, so there's something other mod developers can do to give their widgets focus. @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> Hi there, I know about the personal drone issue with BGU. It's not possible to give your widget focus so BGU isn't making interaction impossible?
AndreAquilaā€¢5mo ago
Is it broken using the chat command, or the buildable to call the drone Sakura?
SakuraKoiOPā€¢5mo ago
I use the buildable due to having it as an easy shortcut and I could see that I am still in build mode when the menu comes up instantly.
AndreAquilaā€¢5mo ago
Good.. I just release a new version focusing more... let me know if it works! šŸ™‚ Maybe will have some more clicks to do because i had to create a double widget with factory widget and unreal widget at Zorder 5000000 to really be able to put the widget in front of all.. so maybe you have to click the X a little more and ESCape will not work
SakuraKoiOPā€¢5mo ago
I can confirm that it works well, besides as you named it Esc to exit (no problem hitting the X, also one uses the mouse anyway and just closing it will be rare). On a side note, I just noticed for Upgradeable Machines that you removed any costs besides the upgrades and I love it. Considering the high cost of upgrades, that simple QoL is a pleasant change since I otherwise tend to have the drone bring me the materials. Anyway, I sincerely hope that BGU will be updated again since moving stuff is such a big deal I'd like to not miss out on. For now, I could not reproduce the first crash unrelated to save loading.
Yokujinā€¢5mo ago
i have this problem @SifVerT
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Yokujinā€¢5mo ago
something along the lines dont pause the game while in build mode, otherwise you get softlocked
SifVerTā€¢5mo ago
Tried escape?
Yokujinā€¢5mo ago
the only escape is alt f4 could show in vc build something hold it nudge it, inf nudge enabled num + for larger nudge accidentally enter 2x because thats not how you build it click mouse press esc because you wanted to pause the game for whatever reason stuck šŸ¤” what does num+ do in bgu again well nothing that should affect it
SifVerTā€¢5mo ago
It's maybe rotate buildable iirc. Could be incompatible with infinite nudge, especially with colliding key assignments. I think you could reassign keys in BGU for that.
Yokujinā€¢5mo ago
no the bug should happen when i press enter
Yokujinā€¢5mo ago
without inf nudge
No description
SifVerTā€¢5mo ago

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