vanilla green houe not working
hi there, im new to this, can someone please help me as i have just downloaded the vanilla green hous, unlocked all the mam research for it, but cant seem to figure out how it works
5 Replies
So you place the green house down then, depending on the recipe, you input the materials like for mycelia you have to input 5 water and 0.2 mycelia and 0.8 mycelia comes out so you have to reuse some of the output as the input i would also suggest downloading a mod like Equipment Automation so you can use the things like paleberries to make inhalers that heal you. And for making stuff like paleberries or beryl nuts you just have to put a constructer between the in and output.
Hope this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask
i tried that, but it doesnt give me any recipies to choose from as though its not coded correctly, wonder if ive done something wrong
also is there a youtube video on how to set this up just incase im missing something as i cannot find it

maybe try to reinstall the mod or check if there are any updates
i figured it out, thanks soo much for your help, it was my error as i didnt research the complete mam