Change resource node behavior (or miner?)

How could one change the output mined in a node? My idea is to make a miner in a iron node, for example, ocasionally output limestone in the middle of the iron ores.
12 Replies
Robb4mo ago
I think someone tried modifying what miners produced in the past without adding a new building and had a lot of trouble with it, but I don't recall. you might be able to find more info via discord search you would probably have the most luck with a custom miner building. maybe try extending the regular miner, but remove the restriction on what is allowed in its internal inventory slot, then use custom logic overrides to sometimes put your byproduct item in that inventory slot instead of the normal product? (@knightinwhite pinging because it has been a few days since the original post)
knightinwhiteOP4mo ago
Before posting I searched mine, miner, node, didn't find much in the diretion of what I want. Okay. But I'm learning to mod, so I don't get all of what you said. Step 1. Make a copy of the miner. I assume the Build_ Step 2. Restriction in internal inventory slot (?) Eh... where?
Robb4mo ago
this is a complex first mod, there is a lot of stuff going on extending != copy copying the existing miner will result in lots of missing data because we only have a stub in the project >docsearch placeholder system
FICSIT-Fred4mo ago
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Robb4mo ago
^ background info for why that happens to extend the miner you will want to use the base miner as a parent class, not copy the asset... but you also want to be changing its behavior in ways what will probably need either hooking or c++... not really sure how best to proceed on this because I haven't made custom buildings
knightinwhiteOP4mo ago
Yeah, I saw that with other buildings. No anims or sound for instance.
Robb4mo ago
extending it will result in them being there at runtime, because runtime actually has those assets but yeah, not sure where next to go on this without basically doing all the digging myself, sorry
knightinwhiteOP4mo ago
Now I think i got this bit. Just see no reference to a inventory restriction
Robb4mo ago
it's probably configured on the inventory component that the miner spawns, might be in code that isn't visible to us though
Rex4mo ago
I remember would edit the resource node when placed down and when removed to replace the resource
MrWolf4mo ago
Thanks Rob this helped me out quite a bit on something similar. The issue I am running into seems to be the difference in code flow between modding and reverse engineering and Firmware development. Unreal seems to muddle parents/children and class inheritance. Thank you so much...
Robb4mo ago
the class inheritance structure should be around to inspect at runtime... but this is not my field of expertise. can you elaborate on your findings?

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