launch error

i have deleted the entire game mod manager the mods folder and satisfactory still thinks i am using mods oh and i deleted mod manager also deleted the two folders on mod manager and it still dosnt work
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(Known issue IsUsingModsNo) It appears your crash was generated from a copy of the game that does not have mods installed. We likely can't help with it. Please use the Unreal dialog to report the error the game developers. -# Responding to isusingmodsno triggered by @drillydrillbit...
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26 Replies
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
(Known issue IsUsingModsNo) It appears your crash was generated from a copy of the game that does not have mods installed. We likely can't help with it. Please use the Unreal dialog to report the error the game developers. -# Responding to isusingmodsno triggered by @drillydrillbit
Robbβ€’6mo ago
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
There are a few things to try if your RHI is causing crashes. 1) Try switching your RHI. If you're using DX11 or DX12, switch to the other. If you're using Vulkan, try DX12 before DX11 2) Try verifying your game files. 3) Update/reinstall your graphics drivers 4) Try disabling hierarchal Z-buffer occlusion in the game's graphics settings. 5) Try tuning your graphics card's clock down, especially if has been overclocked (by you or the vendor) For more info, run one of the following bot commands by sending it as a chat message: >dx11 >dx12 >vulkan >verifyepic >verifysteam
Robbβ€’6mo ago
try a different render backend
XΡΡnicβ€’6mo ago
Any tips how to do so? I'm also having this issue (while maybe not mod related I definitely want to try this first)
Robbβ€’6mo ago
For more info, run one of the following bot commands by sending it as a chat message: >dx11 >dx12 >vulkan >verifyepic >verifysteam
any luck?
Dragaβ€’6mo ago
I'm getting the same error. Full error screen:
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Dragaβ€’6mo ago
Robbβ€’6mo ago
>add command dx11
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
I encountered an error while trying to call this command. Feyko has been notified
Robbβ€’6mo ago
thanks fred very cool
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
You're welcome! :3 -# Responding to thanks triggered by @Robb (Mods don't work on 1.0)
Dragaβ€’6mo ago
fantastic Umm someone care to tell me where the config file is then? I can't open the game to change the settings lol
Robbβ€’6mo ago
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
To force the use of Vulkan with your game, add the -vulkan argument to your game's launch arguments.
Robbβ€’6mo ago
dx11 is really old
Dragaβ€’6mo ago
ah ok I will try it this way, with the launch options. I'll try forcing dx12, and if that doesn't work I'll do vulkan Update: Forcing Vulkan fixed it
shootme410β€’6mo ago
I tried to launch mine and it tells me I have 2 satisfactory installs when I dont
Dragaβ€’6mo ago
Is this related to the specific issue of a UE5 crash above? If not, try the general #satisfactory thread
Robbβ€’6mo ago this is actually a totally unrelated error that has nothing to do with rendering, vulkan fixing it for you was probably just a conincidence
Dragaβ€’6mo ago
that's really weird then
drillydrillbitOPβ€’6mo ago
open properties in steam and set launch options to -dx11
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
To force the use of Vulkan with your game, add the -vulkan argument to your game's launch arguments.
JP Eagles and Katz πŸ¦…πŸˆ
Adding -dx11 still crashes the game after several reinstalls/cleanups... adding -vulkan does not crash the game (yet). Its no fix and dx11 might be 'old' but it is also the most adapted version stil in use and is used in almost any game. So hopefully some fix will come around that gets rid of these silly start up errors. >dx12
FICSIT-Fredβ€’6mo ago
To force the use of DirectX 12 with your game, add the -d3d12 or -dx12 argument to your game's launch arguments.

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