Game Crash Unsure of Cause
Cuurently working on a Modular Coal Power Plant. When outside no crashes while inside building game crashes.
Mod Name Mod Reference Version
Additional 500 Inventory Slots Additional500InventorySlots 1.4.3
All Nodes Pure AllNodesPure 1.0.8
All Weapons Magazine Size 100 AllWeaponsAutoReload 1.0.5
Always Daytime AlwaysDay 1.0.1
Awesome Points x100 HundredTimesAwesomePoints 1.0.7
Conveyor Wall Hole WallHoleConveyor 2.0.10
Curve Builder CurveBuilder 1.0.4
Daisy Chain Everything DaisyChainEverything 1.0.9
EasyCheat EasyCheat 1.0.22
Refined Power RefinedPower 4.0.32
Research Cheat ResearchCheat 2.0.8
Satisfactory Mod Loader SML 3.9.1
Wall Conveyor Supports WallConveyorSupports 1.3.2
Wall Pipe Supports WallPipeSupports 2.3.2
Solution:Jump to solution
Thanks for the reply I think I figured out the problem. Its not the game crashing it is my computer. I have close to 1000 machies in a small area so my computer is struglling.
2 Replies
Your log didn't catch any crash, generate another debug info right after the crash. Also send the complete zip file and not as separate files
Thanks for the reply I think I figured out the problem. Its not the game crashing it is my computer. I have close to 1000 machies in a small area so my computer is struglling.