Game sometimes crashing from opening train UI's

The game keeps crashing when I repeatedly open train platforms and I don't know why. My mods aren't outdated.
10 Replies
FICSIT-Fredβ€’3mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 7
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.9.0
Installed Mods: 7
Game: WindowsClient CL 385279 from steam
Path: `c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @π˜‹π˜¦π˜€π˜’π˜Ίπ˜¦π˜₯
Robbβ€’3mo ago
FICSIT-Fredβ€’3mo ago
Crash reason in the logs
Assertion failed: Index >= 0 && Index < MaxElements [File:C:\BuildAgent\work\607eee041ab2bfcf\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\UObjectArray.h] [Line: 388]
Why the game crashed You've hit the UObject limit. Unreal Engine has a large, fixed-size array to manage all UObjects at runtime (it's used for fancy things like "reference counting" and "garbage collection"). In pre-U8 this was very unusual and only happened when people made ridiculously titanic factories. However, it seems U8 has bugs that make hitting this limit substantially more likely, even when not building megafactories. Details In U8, something seems to be "leaking" UObjects, i.e. the UObject array gets fuller and fuller over time in spite of the garbage collector's best efforts. This crash happens randomly, but the probability of crashing increases the longer the game has been running for. Crashes are more likely to happen when opening UIs (the UI system uses UObjects to function), especially UIs that show many-slot inventories e.g. player, storage containers (the number of allocated UObjects is proportional to the number of inventory slots). Consequently, having many additional inventory slots increases the probability of crashing. How to fix Coffee Stain Studios (the ones who made Satisfactory) will fix this in 1.0. Until then, consider these options: - Install, which warns you when the UObject array is near full, so you can restart the game before it crashes. - Remove mods that add inventory slots and use to reset your slot count to normal - Instead of inventory slot mods, use mods that allow larger stack sizes (like or deliver items to you as needed like
Robbβ€’3mo ago
not the exact message you got but something similar are you using modded train platforms with more slots? that would make this issue happen more quickly
Rexβ€’3mo ago
Given that UFGInteractWidget::OnCustomTick is in the stacktrace, it is likely
I don't I have extra inventory slots
Rexβ€’3mo ago
How many extra inventory slots? Lots of extra inventory slots would make the issue even more likely tbh Because any UI that shows the player inventory will create a lot of UObjects

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