Mods that disable node restrictions.
I was thinking about anew project called "the FICSIT emporium". A showcase of most buildings and items in the game. Does anyone know a mod that disables requirements to place miners, geo generators, water and oil pumps, and well extractors on a node?
8 Replies
You could potentially use Infinite Nudge. Place the miner on a node, lock the hologram, and then you can move it near enough wherever you want. You can also use Buildable Resource Nodes to place a node wherever you want, then place the miner (and optionally delete the node afterwards).
Okay, I'll look in to it. Does this infinite nudge trick also work with drones, bc I feel like displaying them in a port hides them a little. (I don't feel this way about displaying a train on a track.)
It does not, I'm afraid. You can place the hologram wherever, but it'll still just build itself on the port.
However, if you're just creating a showcase and don't need them to function, the Factory Props mod has a drone prop, which you can place anywhere.
There's also Infinite Miners... Another one of Master Aquila's creations
>mod Infinite
Fred Mod Searchâ„¢
Infinite Research
Research the increase of Production Speed and Extractors Speed forever.
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1728828105:R>
Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Sorry, missclick
>mod Almost
Fred Mod Searchâ„¢
Almost Unlimited Miners on Nodes
You will be able to build as many miners as you want in the nodes.
EA: :white_check_mark:
EXP: :white_check_mark:
Last Updated <t:1728603423:R>
Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Also works on Resource Wells and Oil Nodes 😉