Mods that disable node restrictions.

I was thinking about anew project called "the FICSIT emporium". A showcase of most buildings and items in the game. Does anyone know a mod that disables requirements to place miners, geo generators, water and oil pumps, and well extractors on a node?
8 Replies
McCovican•4w ago
You could potentially use Infinite Nudge. Place the miner on a node, lock the hologram, and then you can move it near enough wherever you want. You can also use Buildable Resource Nodes to place a node wherever you want, then place the miner (and optionally delete the node afterwards).
JaymoOP•4w ago
Okay, I'll look in to it. Does this infinite nudge trick also work with drones, bc I feel like displaying them in a port hides them a little. (I don't feel this way about displaying a train on a track.)
McCovican•4w ago
It does not, I'm afraid. You can place the hologram wherever, but it'll still just build itself on the port. However, if you're just creating a showcase and don't need them to function, the Factory Props mod has a drone prop, which you can place anywhere.
KnHawke•4w ago
There's also Infinite Miners... Another one of Master Aquila's creations >mod Infinite
FICSIT-Fred•4w ago
Fred Mod Searchâ„¢
Infinite Research
Research the increase of Production Speed and Extractors Speed forever. EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728828105:R> Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
KnHawke•4w ago
Sorry, missclick >mod Almost
FICSIT-Fred•4w ago
Fred Mod Searchâ„¢
Almost Unlimited Miners on Nodes
You will be able to build as many miners as you want in the nodes. EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728603423:R> Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
KnHawke•4w ago
Also works on Resource Wells and Oil Nodes 😉

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