KeyBind for Blueprint Menu works only while button is pressed (held)

so I can't actually pick anything from the menu? hey @Almine, awesome mod, IDK what CSS are thinking not having a hotkey for that. Small issue though :FastCart: How can I fix the hotkey so it opens menu on press? Singleplayer Mod Name Mod Reference Version KeyBind for Blueprint Menu KeyBindForBlueprint 1.1.0 All Poles with Indicator Light AllPolesHaveLights 1.0.4 Auto Get Loot and Dropped Items AutoGetLoot 1.0.6 Container Screens and more ContainerScreen 1.0.23 Conveyor Wall Hole WallHoleConveyor 2.0.10 DI Fluid AutoFlush DI_Fluid_AutoFlush 3.9.0 Efficiency Checker Mod EfficiencyCheckerMod 2.5.1 Faster Manual Crafting Redux FasterManualCraftingRedux 2.3.0 Fluid Extras AB_FluidExtras 1.0.4 Less Build Animation Effect LessBuildEffectAnimation 1.1.0 Mirrored Buildings MirroredBuildings 1.0.5 No New Label NoNewLabel 1.0.4 Power Checker PowerChecker 2.4.1 Real Arachnophobia Mode RealArachnophobia 1.0.14 Remove Empty Dimensional Stacks RemoveEmptyDimensionalStocks 1.0.1 Settings Copier RecipeCopier 2.6.1 Structural Solutions SS_Mod 1.1.37 Track props and Small Stations SmallTrainStation 1.0.17 Vertical Logistics VerticalLogistics 2.0.1
it works now, thanks for the help!
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4 Replies
Almine5mo ago
Sorry for late response. But I didn’t test holding button(Y). Note that You need to open build menu(Q) at least once before use that hotkey. I will test with the list of mods you sent me. So please wait a while. @D4rk Looks like your Structural Solutions mod causing a bug. Does your mod do something special when building tab open?
D4rk5mo ago
@Almine I had Y bound to a player action for an unreleased feature. I've removed the binding, and the conflict should be resolved.
Almine5mo ago
Nice! Thanks for fixing that quickly! @Firkrayt Update Structural Solutions mod. It should resolve the problem.
Firkrayt5mo ago
it works now, thanks for the help!

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