Help using multi spliter/merger Aquila industrial

Hi there! I'm using this mod, and there's one of the modules that I don't quite understand how it works. It's the vertical multi balancer 3 to 9. No matter how many 3 belts enter on the side that is currently not connected, I can't get it to distribute the materials. Usted alguien me explica que hago mal? Copilot Can anyone explain what I’m doing wrong?
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5 Replies
AndreAquila5mo ago
The new version, unfortunatelly, these buildings works as a container. So every storage is shared, but not devided equally
CTRQukoOP5mo ago
is there any module that works in the same way, I am using the balancers above all (it is very convenient).
Crasben5mo ago
i recommend using the mod >mod modular load balancer
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
Fred Mod Search™
Modular Load Balancers
Modular buildable that can be snapped together to form load balancers of any size EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1729083428:R> Created by Kyrium and SirDigby
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
CTRQukoOP5mo ago
delete all an re do it close the question please

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