Cant Start Satis with some Mods

I get this Crash-Message (see next Message) when I try to open the game und my LinuxGSM wont Start. Modlist: Refened Power 4.0.20 Infinite Zoop 1.8.16 Structual Solutions 1.1.38 Linear Motion 2.0.34 Modular Load Balancers 1.13.2 Faster Manual Crafting Redux 2.3.2 Conveyor Wall Hole 2.0.10 Efficiancy Checker 2.5.7 Throughput Counter and Limiter 1.2.15 SkyUI 1.0.14 Big Storage Tank and MegaPump 2.0.9 Super Chainsaw 4.0.0 Floor Hole Ceiling Logistics 2.0.26 Wall Pipe Supports 2.3.2 FicsIt-Networks 0.3.30 Fluid Sund and more 1.0.15 Stack Resizer 1.3.6 Hyper Boosters 3.1.0 Enhanced Depot 1.0.1 Vertical Logistics 3.0.1 HyperTunnels 1.0.6 Faster Full Health Regeneration 2.0.7 Early Hyper Tubes 1.0.1 Pride Helmets 1.0.1 Has someone an Idea?
No description
32 Replies
LucOfSkyOPā€¢4mo ago
Version: 382498, IsEditor: No, IsPerforceBuild: No, BuildConfiguration: Shipping, Launcher: Epic, NetMode: -, IsUsingMods: Yes, IsSaveGameEdited: No Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x0000000000000028 FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!UStruct::Serialize() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Class.cpp:1861] FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!UClass::Serialize() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Class.cpp:5076] FactoryGameEGS_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UBlueprintGeneratedClass::Serialize() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\BlueprintGeneratedClass.cpp:2388] FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncPackage2::EventDrivenSerializeExport() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:6379] FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncPackage2::Event_ProcessExportBundle() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:5804] FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FEventLoadNode2::Execute() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:4320] FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncLoadEventQueue2::ExecuteSyncLoadEvents() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:4508] FactoryGameEGS_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncLoadingThread2::Run() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:7665] FactoryGameEGS_Core_Win64_Shipping!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [C:\BuildAgent2\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsRunnableThread.cpp:149]
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
The game's just updated and some mods don't work with the new version >debug
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in #help-using-mods. This ensures that your help request won't get buried and forgotten in other, non-help channels! If you need to access older log files, see
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 30
Game: WindowsClient CL 379322 from Epic Games
Path: `c:\Program Files\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=LucOfSky -epicuserid=54f478ebdb4a46fea78264a886fe02d1 -epiclocale=de -epicsandboxid=crab
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 30
Game: WindowsClient CL 379322 from Epic Games
Path: `c:\Program Files\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess`
Command Line: cmd /C start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/CrabEA?action=launch&silent=true -epicapp=CrabEA -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=LucOfSky -epicuserid=54f478ebdb4a46fea78264a886fe02d1 -epiclocale=de -epicsandboxid=crab
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @LucOfSky
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
Not seeing any obvious culprits in there I'm afraid >debugmods
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs:
Darth JarJar
Darth JarJarā€¢4mo ago
I have this same issue.
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
Won't know that for sure unless you post a debug zip :]
BrummbaeršŸ¼ā€¢4mo ago
same problem for me after the update
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 17
Game: WindowsClient CL 382498 from steam
Path: `i:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 17
Game: WindowsClient CL 382498 from steam
Path: `i:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
-# Responding to Key Details for triggered by @BrummbaeršŸ¼
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
>separate That looks like a different problem
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
Please make your own thread, or simply right click this one and hit "follow post" if your issue is identical and you want to stay updated while it gets resolved.
BrummbaeršŸ¼ā€¢4mo ago
will do
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
@LucOfSky @Solomon Undies I believe your issue is one of these mods:
D4rkā€¢4mo ago
SS_Mod and LinearMotion survived the update, at least I haven't found any problems yet. There should not be an issue with them.
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
Automated responses for Darth JarJar (405842805441822721)
Something is preventing this mod from loading. Troubleshooting ideas: - Try closing and reopening the mod manager - Try turning mods off and back on again in the Mod Manager - Are you playing on Experimental? Check the compatibility info to find out if that mod supports it. - Are you using the most recent version of the mentioned mod? If you are, be patient. Mod support for new versions is an ongoing effort by authors in their spare time. If you absolutely need this mod, you can play something else or start a fresh save while you wait for an update!
Key Details for
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 27
Game: WindowsClient CL 382498 from steam
Path: `d:\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.3
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 27
Game: WindowsClient CL 382498 from steam
Path: `d:\Steam\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
You have a mod (bamrenewfp) installed that has been removed by the author, it should show up in SMM in red so that you can remove it
Darth JarJar
Darth JarJarā€¢4mo ago
see above remark about bamrenewfp is not valid, since the mod is already uninstalled for days
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
FICSIT-Fredā€¢4mo ago
Please make your own thread, or simply right click this one and hit "follow post" if your issue is identical and you want to stay updated while it gets resolved.
Solomon Undies
Solomon Undiesā€¢4mo ago
Disabled Floor Hole and it doesn't crash
D4rkā€¢4mo ago
The RefinedPower team just released a statement saying the patch broke their mod, so you will need to remove that one
BrummbaeršŸ¼ā€¢4mo ago
I assume there is no way to downgrade the game version?
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
There is but I don't recommend it. Ask again in #satisfactory if you're still interested, don't want to dilute the issue in this thread @LucOfSky @Solomon Undies We now have reports from Refined R&D that Refined Power is broken - if you disable that do you still crash?
McKenningā€¢4mo ago
Through the process of elimination (disable all mods then enable one by one), I've found the following mods don't work: Universal Swatch Slots, Modular Load Balancers, SnapOn, Infinite Zoop. The following work: Remove All Annoyances, Magic Machines, Difficulty Tuner, SkyUI, Additional 300 Inventory Slots.
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
SnapOn was expected to break in this patch or soon, not sure if it's coming back
KrakelLPā€¢4mo ago
the same proble on dedicated Server
0x00007f30ab3acd47!CommonUnixMain(int, char**, int (*)(char16_t const*), void (*)()) [C:/BuildAgent/work/9fc8da665efb5ffd/UE4/Engine/Source/./Runtime/Unix/UnixCommonStartup/Private/UnixCommonStartup.cpp:269]
0x0000000000217f09 FactoryServer-Linux-Shipping!_start()

[2024.11.28-15.53.37:792][ 0]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
Segmentation fault
0x00007f30ab3acd47!CommonUnixMain(int, char**, int (*)(char16_t const*), void (*)()) [C:/BuildAgent/work/9fc8da665efb5ffd/UE4/Engine/Source/./Runtime/Unix/UnixCommonStartup/Private/UnixCommonStartup.cpp:269]
0x0000000000217f09 FactoryServer-Linux-Shipping!_start()

[2024.11.28-15.53.37:792][ 0]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
Segmentation fault
McKenningā€¢4mo ago
My understanding was just snap on to miners would break. Other snap ons would be fine. :interesting:
sjhowardā€¢4mo ago
this is also a different crash from the one we're investigating in this thread
KrakelLPā€¢4mo ago
Ok, i will open a new thread
Solomon Undies
Solomon Undiesā€¢4mo ago
floor holes is crashing me before the menu. The others don't allow it to start after the menu. So far.

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