Lost Connection to Host when trying to play with a friend

Doesn't matter if he hosts or I do, mods are all the same version and they work fine in SP. All say multiplayer comp and whenever either of us try to join the other it kicks us right out. Mod Name Mod Reference Version Better Alternate Recipes Better_Recipes_x10 1.1.24 Buildable Resource Nodes Redux BuildableResourceNodesRedux 2.4.0 Decoration Decoration 3.0.9 DI More Glass and Stuff (QOL) DI_MoreGlassAndWalls 3.9.0 DI Transportation DI_Transportation_Darkplate 3.9.3 Discord Rich Presence FG_DiscordRP 2.0.1 Efficiency Checker Mod EfficiencyCheckerMod 2.5.3 Factory Props Factory_Prop_Mod 2.0.2 Faster Manual Crafting Redux FasterManualCraftingRedux 2.3.2 FicsIt-Networks FicsItNetworks 0.3.21 Fluid Extras AB_FluidExtras 1.0.5 Fluid Sink and more FluidSink 1.0.14 Linear Motion LinearMotion 2.0.34 More Decorations MoreDecorations 1.0.13 More Enemy Spawns MoreEnemySpawns 2.0.12 Portable Miner Collector PortableMinerCollector 1.0.11 Power Checker PowerChecker 2.4.2 Road Tool RoadSplineTool 1.0.9 SkyUI SkyUI 1.0.14 Stack Resizer StackResizer 1.3.4
Hey, I could not connect to dedicated server with Factory Props installed(also lost connection) maybe it is causing issue for you too? There is warning in mod description about multi-player issues.
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3 Replies
Acxd5mo ago
Since the issue is consistent, try: >debugmods
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs: https://docs.ficsit.app/satisfactory-modding/latest/faq.html#_how_can_i_troubleshoot_crash_issues
Lotrick5mo ago
Hey, I could not connect to dedicated server with Factory Props installed(also lost connection) maybe it is causing issue for you too? There is warning in mod description about multi-player issues.

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