[bug?] [Track Props and Small Stations, Andre Aquila of course]

Using the "power station" pieces in blueprints, deleting the piece leaves the station name and markers on the map and compass. This is also a bug with the vanilla station implementation. Is there any way to have the power connection without the name?
5 Replies
Lynkfox4mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
AndreAquila4mo ago
Hey Leif.. hmm, i will try to remove the map text and set a texture and material for map and compass to something invisible.. let me try! Nothing worked yet... will try more later
LeifOP4mo ago
As a followup: the saves where I tried to use these pieces in blueprints wound up so badly corrupted they were unplayable. I had to revert back to before the blueprints were made. Trying to build using those blueprints would freeze and crash the game. Trying to bring the blueprints up in the blueprinter gave recipes that made no sense (Stack sizes were often 16+1, or else 2^16). It happened in more than one save, and with more than one blueprint.) Unfortunately, deleted the blueprints before I thought they migh tbe useful to you. I'll try to recreate the problem in a clean, creative save, if that would help.
AndreAquila4mo ago
I will put a note to not use it in blueprints. Those power stations are really strange.. Everything i tried to remove compass, and map things didnt work. I will remove them in the next version.
LeifOP4mo ago
The powered block/path posts work fine. Naively, it seems like it might be easier to modify one of them into a powered post without the block/path functionality. (Said the person who isn't doing the actual work.) And I haven't been able to reproduce the corruption & crashing.

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