Universal Machines not Keeping Program
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
Finally had a chance to sit down with the updated UM Mod, except I encountered a problem: I set a program, it runs fine, but when I close out of the game after saving my session, it loses the program, and ONLY when I close out of the game, not when I exit to the Main Menu.
22 Replies
I wonder if this just needs to be recompiled to the new version of SML, @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> ?
Hmm, the recipes seems to be making after the game starts... I will work on this now
soon as i finish the other bug in Easy cheat hehehe
Seems like the same probelm that Recipe Maker has.. The new recipes from contentlib seems to be loaded after the machines ... 😮
Oof! I figured it be something!
i you want to test it for me... i packed, but i cant test it now 😦
As much as I want to, even I cannot, I'm at work ATM ðŸ˜
ok.. 🙂 i will test it in some minutes !

That is vanilla. It shows when we unlock all
eh thought you could add them to the mod for unlocking it without needing to use cheats
also give them back their icons
i mean i know i got them via research cheat mod
yeah, that could be included in a mod!
Hey guy! I'm off work, will you DM me the new build of UM?
Didnt worked 😦 im talking to Robb about it. Seems like any ContentLib Blueprint mod really worked in this current version of CL. I will keep trying tomorrow to fix it in my part
Awww Hell... Sorry to hear that and Good Luck!
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> Tried out the newest version of Universal Machines, now it is not picking up any recipes outside of Vanilla ðŸ˜
Even tested with a brand new save, nothing.
Argh!! hhmmm.. Im getting all schematics recipes. Let me try one thing!
Uploaded a new version Hawke.. let me know if it works! 🙂
Sweet! Will do!
Just tested it.
While it picks up the Recipes from CL, it is not saving active production ðŸ˜
when you restart?
now that you said that... I'm gonna go back into my save, reset the production and all that.
This was initially after installing.
This mod will have to create a lot of files, like recipe maker : https://i.imgur.com/yPVec01.png
after creating it, and restarting the game, it should work
Okay... Just tried it with other Recipes, instead of off of the Recipe Maker, now it seems to work
Alrighty! Seems to work fine with all Modded Recipes, except those made in Recipe Maker 🙂
Hmmm... I wonder if it is because I made the Recipes before I installed UM? Lemme check that
Wait a tick... Now the Recipe Maker Recipes are showing up!
I hazard to guess that UM took a moment to pick them up
@AndreAquila Hey Guy! I do not know if this is a bug with UM or RM, but I've found that Recipe Slot #1 is no registering (or something) properly and not keeping the program.
The other slots at #2 and beyond keep the recipe program and work as intended.
So the recipe I made for slot #1 I renamed and then I remade it in #14 (I think) and it works fine! @,@
Hmmm, got it Hawke... So it does not create the json too? I will take a look on it
Didn't look that deep into it, just went around it 😅
I guess I should! Hehe
Finally had a chance to sit down and look... the recipe is there in slot #1 for the Maker, the exact same that I had to make for #14...<scratches head> I'm at a loss hehe