try to open this game in steam but can't
I tried to recover my old save(years ago, probably before Stifactory 5), I used mod before, but this time I want to play it clean. However, Steam said there's mod file that can't be found, and I can't disable it with mod mannager now. Can someone give me some advise? Thanks!

Solution:Jump to solution
-# (Known issue
/ smmsteam1.0
/ Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad
/ DisableMods1.0
Read all of the directions here to fix the problem!
---> <---
Still having trouble? Post in #help-using-mods...3 Replies
-# (Known issue
/ smmsteam1.0
/ Temp1.0PluginFailedToLoad
/ DisableMods1.0
Read all of the directions here to fix the problem!
---> <---
Still having trouble? Post in #help-using-modsoh my bad, somehow I missed the first step, thought the new downlowd won't include the mod, i'll give it a try, thanks!