Lots of Linked Machines cause drop performance

Is the Linked Machines Mod cause this behaviour @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> ? When mod active, my fps unstable (60 down to 40ish). I've capped my fps to 60 to eliminate graphic card factor, but the problem still occur. Is there any limitation how many machine connected side by side ? how to solve this problem ?
22 Replies
AndreAquila•5mo ago
Hmm, good to know Meepow. I was wondering how this mod will be on a big factory. If i send a new version that has a bit slower processes, could you test it for me?
MeepowOP•5mo ago
Much better, my fps steady at 60. Now the problem is hickup about every minute or so. I'll be using this version until new update come out. Thanks for you hard work
AndreAquila•5mo ago
nice, do you feel like the materials are not going to the right place so fast? it interrupted some "more faster" operations?
MeepowOP•5mo ago
Yeah, take a long time to equalize. From my observation, 2nd machine get half of the 1st, 3rd half of 2nd, so on. So the rest of the machine become idle, and productions take a long time to reach equilibrium.
AndreAquila•5mo ago
It starts to redistribute after having more than half of the stack... maybe we can start redistributing like 1/3 of the stack
AndreAquila•5mo ago
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AndreAquila•5mo ago
The first timing was 0.05.. that was causing the fps drop... and i passed to 0.30 secs
AndreAquila•5mo ago
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AndreAquila•5mo ago
im thinking maybe we trying 0,15.. or that speed is not messing?
MeepowOP•5mo ago
Can you do 2 conditions ? 1. Static number like 2 or 5, if greater than that number inventory will get shared. 2. Percentage like before, try 1/4 maybe 😀 So the condition 1 will get checked first, if false check condition 2 Condition 1 to ensure faster distribution, and compensate for slower production machine (like assembler) I think 0.3 is ok for now
FreakinaBox•5mo ago
I just had to drop linked machines cause of the lag it was causing 😦 I am on version 1.0.5 wondering if it is possible to link all the machines to the same inventory instance instead of balancing multiple inventories? if not maybe an on on insert hook that round robbins the different inventories? not sure what is possible but I might have to get into modding
AndreAquila•5mo ago
That should be better FreakinaBox... Don't know how we can achieve that but will be nice to have you here in the modding community 🙂 I tried something like you said, and changing it from getting only 1 item by time to getting more items. Let me know if it got better, or got worse : new version https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LduuQVopOwza9m1BY5L8qqjyzsS2rLLL/view?usp=sharing
MeepowOP•5mo ago
Still same with 1.0.5, with constant hickup
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FreakinaBox•5mo ago
last img is with this mod removed.
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FreakinaBox•5mo ago
I may have been overusing modular load balancers lol
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FreakinaBox•5mo ago
ya so this or MLB brings be down from 100fps to 20 and both together bring me to 8 I wonder if this is a problem with how many machies are in 1 group. ived noticed items from the other side of my factory getting placed into inventories after the last bug fix
AndreAquila•5mo ago
Today im trying a new way of sharing the items between inventories... hope it works better
ninass1989•5mo ago
i have been extremely happy for linked mashines but it has been harder and harder for it to share, now its nearly not sharing, and 2 mashines right next to eachothers, with power between 1 is full and other is empty..... but sometimes its better and do it a little. it worked better before, since last uodate it has been very bad
FreakinaBox•5mo ago
tried it out again and fps is good but it cant keep up with my feeder belts. Is there a github I can look at and brainstorm on the balancer algorithm?
FreakinaBox•5mo ago
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