Error - 2 Installs were found - Shows same paths but 1 in lower case

Not sure how to fix this if the paths are the same lol
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(Known issue TargetRename1.0 / smmsteam1.0) 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods. To remove mods, delete the mod folder manually as described here: After you have deleted the mods folder, launch the game normally from outside of the Mod Loader.
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FICSIT-Fred6mo ago
(Known issue TargetRename1.0 / smmsteam1.0) 1.0 has renamed the game target, preventing SMM from being able to automatically uninstall mods. To remove mods, delete the mod folder manually as described here: After you have deleted the mods folder, launch the game normally from outside of the Mod Loader.

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