Possible problem with the mod: belt and miner (FP renewed)

Hi, unfortunately I have a problem with the mod: belt and miner (FP renewed) The mod is great, thanks for that, but unfortunately I can't put any miners on the “Lead Ore”. Unfortunately nothing happens. The logs spit this out: ----------------------------------------------- [2024.12.14-09.22.04:161][568]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: ObjectName: lead_C_2147476967, ObjOuter: /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel [2024.12.14-09.22.04:162][568]LogBuildGun: Warning: (1) FGResourceExtractorHologram_2147339689 failed to construct due to UFGConstructDisqualifier: FGCDNeedsResourceNode [2024.12.14-09.22.04:162][568]LogBuildGun: Warning: (1) FGResourceExtractorHologram_2147339689::Server_ConstructHologram, failed to construct hologram from construction call. ----------------------------------------------- I run a Windows dedicated server with the hoster “G-Portal” When I download the savegame and load it locally, everything works. If I upload the savegame back to the server, the miner is on the ore, but cannot find the resource to mine Mod version: 2.0.8 Other mods installed: Yes Other error messages: Yes FGPowerCircuit_2147341174(CID 6)::OnCircuitRebuilt, found duplicate power info 'Build_RP_WaterDam_C_2147355514::powerInfo', this could be a building with multiple components or a component added twice. But I don't think this belongs to this mod, but I'm not sure about that either. Thank you in advance for your help.
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