I am having problems with Daisy Chain Smart Input Factory by Feyko.

The Daisy Chain Smart Input Factory, even after the recent update to 2.0.17 I am having problems with power poles not showing the correct number of connections and my buildings not allowing for daisy chaining. If I save, close, and reopen I have a short amount of time when it all works right again, then it stops. Playing in single player and here's a list of my installed mods: Mod Name Mod Reference Version 2m Walls TwoMeterWalls 2.0.0 All Nodes Pure AllNodesPure 1.0.8 Almost Unlimited Miners on Nodes UnlimitedMinesOnNodes 1.0.1 Artifacts in Awesome Shop ArtifactInShop 1.0.1 Automatic Instant Smelters NoSmelters 1.0.9 Awesome Points x100 HundredTimesAwesomePoints 1.0.7 Container Screens and more ContainerScreen 1.0.23 Conveyor Wall Hole WallHoleConveyor 2.0.10 Daisy Chain Smart Input Factory DaisyChainPowerCables 2.0.17 DI More Glass and Stuff (QOL) DI_MoreGlassAndWalls 3.9.0 Easy Hard Drives HardDriveCheat 2.0.5 Glass Fluid Buffer GlassFluidTank 1.0.5 Organized Crates OrganizedCrates 2.0.7 Resource Node Creator ResourceNodeCreator 2.0.11 Special Containers SpecialContainers 1.0.13 Top Down View TwoDimensions 1.0.6 Translucent Belts TranslucidBelts 1.0.0 Unlimited Dimensional Depot AlmostUnlimitedDimensionalDepot 1.0.0 Unlock All Alternate Recipes UnlockAllAlternateRecipes 2.0.8 Wall Conveyor Supports WallConveyorSupports 1.3.0
13 Replies
Borketh•5mo ago
Feyko•5mo ago
I didn't actually make the mod, just helped Aquila with a core part of the logic You'll have to contact them
sjhoward•5mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial>
AndreAquila•5mo ago
Hey Sunfire, The new version should have resolved this. How many connections do the poles show? And the machines? Are you in multiplayer?
SunfireOP•5mo ago
Hi Andre, 4 it doesn't matter if it's Mk 1, 2, or 3. The machines only allow one connection. And I am only in single player mode. If I shut the game down and restart, it works for a bit, then it gets all mixed up.
AndreAquila•5mo ago
😦 hmm, this bit is like 5 minutes or like 10 / 20 minutes? I will install the same mods to see if i can reproduce it.
AndreAquila•5mo ago
maybe the last version instalation didnt went well... i couldnt reproduce it yet. 😦
SunfireOP•5mo ago
A bit is... as little as 5 minutes and as long as an hour+ depending on when I start building buildings again. I'll try uninstalling the mod and reinstalling it. Okay, I uninstalled the mod, then reinstalled, opened Satisfactory, checked on some things. Then used a blueprint I'd created to place 6 smelters, went to connect power lines and....
SunfireOP•5mo ago
No description
SunfireOP•5mo ago
If things go as they were yesterday, I can restart satisfactory and be able to daisy chain the smelters. Yup. Closed restarted and daisy chained without problem. @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> I laid down some constructors and there was no problem daisy chaining. I laid down a blueprint of assemblers, and they wouldn't daisy chain.
AndreAquila•5mo ago
hmm, got it... I think only when you save and reload the game it will show the new connections. I have to see how the bps are spawning and adding the function to it too. Soon as i learn it, i will release an update!
SunfireOP•5mo ago
Thank you.

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