Inconsistent game freezes/crashes when interacting with digital storage network poles/cables.

Hi, I'm currently experiencing game freezes/crashes in my modded mid-game single player world. The crashes happen when interacting with the digital storage mod and usually follow the same pattern: -Game works fine for the first half minute when building with the digital storge mod. If I don't interact with DS I've had no crash so far. -Game freezes for around 2 seconds when trying to place a "network cable" (from DS) or network pole. Then the game music resumes and the popup with the option to sending the crash report opens. Then the game closes. Context: -I've had no problems with my save when playing a few days ago. I think that was Wednesday -It always takes some time for the game to crash. In the first few seconds of opening the save file nothing has crashed my game so far. -I've attached three instances of a crash reports and the SMM debug files. Things I've tried so far: -When starting a new save with everything unlocked with the same mods the crash does not seem to happen when placing network cables. I've tried playing for a few minutes and no crash did happen. -I've disabled infinite spline and difficulty tuner from my mod list and tried again because those two mods did show up often in the crash report. -I've uploaded my save file to the Satisfactory calculator and redownloaded it. I've been told that this sometimes fixes things when there is a problem with a save. -I've asked on the refined d&d server because the crashes happen when interacting with one of their mods. They think the crash might be connected to the following line in the crash report and my save file might be the problem: [2024.12.14-15.31.03:129][ 87]LogGame: Error: UFGOutlineComponent::ShowOutline - Trying to copy Custom Primitive Data from invalid index. (Index: 0, Num: 0) This line shows up spammed in the crash report but I'm not sure where it could come from. Has someone here experience with this line showing up or other suggestions? I'd be grateful for any input.
I've found the problem. The mod "Continuous Elevator" disabled all tier 3 and below items for me right around 30 seconds after loading my save. This meant that it also disabled the network cables and poles. It seems the Continuous Elevator mod does not disable modded items properly or is not completely compatible with ds which then resulted in the crash.
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4 Replies
Joël3mo ago
I've found the problem. The mod "Continuous Elevator" disabled all tier 3 and below items for me right around 30 seconds after loading my save. This meant that it also disabled the network cables and poles. It seems the Continuous Elevator mod does not disable modded items properly or is not completely compatible with ds which then resulted in the crash.
Robb3mo ago
>mod Continuous Elevator
FICSIT-Fred3mo ago
Fred Mod Search™
Continuous Space Elevator - CL
A new Space Elevator that you have to keep feeding to maintain your current game phase. EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728928983:R> Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Robb3mo ago
@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> not sure if there is anything you could about this, maybe a system where content tags can be used to tell the mod to not lock out certain milestones?

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