Dedicated Server Commands

Hello everyone, sorry if this is not the right place or even the right discord server, but I'm looking to make a companion tool for the dedicated server! I've been able to implement the HTTPS API but the basic functions are quite limited. However, one of the most interesting functions in there is the RunCommand function, that will allow any console command you can input to the Console tab in the Server Manager from the game. Unfortunately, apart from server.generateAPIToken I've been unsuccessful in finding a list of it online, does anyone have any idea if there's a list somewhere that I would have missed, or if you have any clue on how to retrieve it from the game or server themselves? Thank you very much! 🙏
Thank you all for your replies! Upon further inspection, as it doesn't seem it's even possible to get connected players from there or anything, I figured it would be smarter to leverage Ficsit Remote Monitor instead...
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5 Replies
Mattigins5mo ago
Official Satisfactory Wiki
Dedicated servers
This page provides basic instructions on setting up and operating a Satisfactory dedicated server.
Mattigins5mo ago
Not much but a few more for you Try taking a look through the #Dedicated-Servers channel on the official satisfactory discord too. i'm sure there is people in there talking about various commands.
Mattigins5mo ago
Satisfactory | Satisfactory Dedicated Server Console Commands | Hyp...
Here is a list of console commands for dedicated servers, specifically for version 5.0.4 and later. As of this version, the console tab in the server manager is the only method to execute these commands.
Robb5mo ago
here's the list of commands I am aware of but I'm not sure if they are all exposed to the server.
colin_coin_coin5mo ago
Thank you all for your replies! Upon further inspection, as it doesn't seem it's even possible to get connected players from there or anything, I figured it would be smarter to leverage Ficsit Remote Monitor instead...

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