Your connection to the host has been lost

Hello, Is it possible you can help me out I am getting the "Your connection to the host has been lost" error, Does anyone know how to fix it? The server is running on Windows Server 2022 Console: (File attached) Many Thanks,
23 Replies
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
(Known crash ReliableBufferOverflow) Something is causing the replication reliable buffer of [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem, Role: 3, RemoteRole: 1 [UChannel] ChIndex: 45, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2147469893, Driver: GameNetDriver FGDSIpNetDriver_2147481800, IsServer: YES, PC: BP_PlayerController_C_2147469884, Owner: BP_PlayerController_C_2147469884, UniqueId: Steam:1 (ForeignId=[Type=6 Handle=0 RepData=[0B531F5801001001])\r\nLogNetPartialBunch: Warning: Num OutgoingBunches: 460. NumOutRec: 0\r\n[2024.10.20-08.13.13:403][431]LogNetPartialBunch: Warning: SendBunch: Reliable partial bunch overflows reliable buffer! [UActorChannel] Actor: FGConveyorChainSubsystem /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level:PersistentLevel.ConveyorChainSubsystem to be overburdened! The limit is 8 but there were 460 items. This crash tends to happen when joining a multiplayer game with a lot of content. If the buffer is on the Recipe Manager or Schematic Manager, try removing mods that introduce lots of recipes or schematics (HUB/MAM/shop unlocks). -# Responding to reliablebufferoverflow triggered by @EnvoGod
EnvoGodOP5mo ago
How do I increse it
sjhoward5mo ago
There's no way to do so at present, this is something the SML team has been looking to see if they can do, or if it's something CSS would need to change.
EnvoGodOP5mo ago
ahh ok no worries, Is there a way to decrease it without removing mods? Would combining multiple mods into 1 mod work?
sjhoward5mo ago
No, it's about the number of schematics involved
EnvoGodOP5mo ago
Oh ok no worries thank you Is there a way to see which mod has the most?
sjhoward5mo ago
Not directly, but stuff like Structural Solutions where there's lots of new buildables tend to be the ones
EnvoGodOP5mo ago
ahhh ok no worries thank you for that I really appreciate it
Dimka172965mo ago
Same problem, but that issue happened on vanilla server also We with my friend tried to remove mods, play without mods - same thing We checked maybe its connection problem and its not. That problem only in satisfactory
Lynkfox5mo ago
Schematics are generally Unlocks in the MAM or HUB - the more of these there are, or the chunkier t hey are (and some of Structural Solutions are pretty chunky) the more likely you are to hit the Reliable Buffer overflow. there is nothing to be done about it but remove mods that have a lot of unlocks.
Norby0075mo ago
wow, I wished they explained things like this in the install instructions on dedicated servers. I thought I was doing the install wrong. I guess mods just aren't ready for multiplayer yet...
Lynkfox5mo ago
They are. Just you can't install unlimited amountof them. And realistically, there isn't much we can do until CSS can institute a fix
Norby0075mo ago
I get that, it's just never mentioned in any instructions on loading the servers and no such limit exists on a local game. How would I know this unless I went looking for an answer. That and many other games accept more than about 20 mods. Just as bad a g-portal showing an option to mod the server that doesn't function... when pressed on it they lied the first time and admitted it the second time.
FICSIT-Fred5mo ago
You just mentioned the name of a hosting provider (g-portal) that does NOT support modded Satisfactory dedicated servers! Check the list here to learn more. -# Rule logic: -# Responding to unsupporteddedicatedserverhost triggered by @Norby007
Norby0075mo ago
Out of curiosity, is there a way to measure this buffer size and determine which mods use what percentage of that buffer in order to weight out the cost analysis of each mod?
Lynkfox5mo ago
There is not, but it's not a bad idea. It in theory should be possible. But it's also worth adding warnings to the docs for >dedi. And >multiplayer To be fair you can have 100s of mods on a dedi \ no game As long as they aren't adding a lot of Schematics (basically things like milestones and mam unlocks) they'll be fine. If they're all UI\QoL mods then they won't be triggering the buffer overlow
Norby0075mo ago
all extremely useful information for the new modded server user. I also see a lot of prerequisite errors in the boot log with no ability to force load a prerequisite mod its hard to see if its actually loading. But I am going to go through the mods and figure out what doesn't work and cast them out.
SirSmokealot5mo ago
ahhhh fuck we have the same problem here, i installed tons of mods that add stuff to build, i mean thats the point in this game, is there any ide if the devs are triing to fix thi? never heard anithing like that in a game i mean in factoria that is no problem?
Lynkfox5mo ago
It's been partially fixed - it used to be both recipes and Schematics, I guess CSS already fixed the recipe part. But it's on them to do so What errors? Some of them are always there and don't really matter
Norby0075mo ago
errors like this... [2024.10.23-23.17.35:271][ 0]LogStreaming: Warning: Missing Dependency, missing script import 0xAAF2CD1F05A951C for package /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/Concrete/Build_Concrete_Wall_2m [2024.10.23-23.17.35:271][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: CreateExport: /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/Concrete/Build_Concrete_Wall_2m (0xB1B962C13B5EA547) /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/Concrete/Build_Concrete_Wall_2m (0xB1B962C13B5EA547) - Could not find template object for BuildingMeshProxy [2024.10.23-23.17.35:271][ 0]LogStreaming: Warning: Missing Dependency, missing script import 0xAAF2CD1F05A951C for package /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/FICSIT/Build_FICSIT_Wall_2m [2024.10.23-23.17.35:271][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: CreateExport: /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/FICSIT/Build_FICSIT_Wall_2m (0xFE29E7B3B71C1819) /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/FICSIT/Build_FICSIT_Wall_2m (0xFE29E7B3B71C1819) - Could not find template object for BuildingMeshProxy [2024.10.23-23.17.35:271][ 0]LogStreaming: Warning: Missing Dependency, missing script import 0xAAF2CD1F05A951C for package /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/Steel/Build_Steel_Wall_2m [2024.10.23-23.17.35:271][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: CreateExport: /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/Steel/Build_Steel_Wall_2m (0xF87DE32206AECB36) /TwoMeterWalls/Buildings/Steel/Build_Steel_Wall_2m (0xF87DE32206AECB36) - Could not find template object for BuildingMeshProxy I was expecting that the dependencies were autoloading in the mod manager.
Lynkfox5mo ago
They do... As long as they are defined by the mod author. But these look like hook dependencies in SML, which - given that it's a wall object - are probably related around lightweight Actors which changed significantly in 1.0, and the updated mod may not have taken that into account @Mircea (Area Actions) ?
Mircea5mo ago
Those don't necessarily mean a missing mod dependency In this case specifically, like Lynk said, they are about FGColoredInstanceMeshProxy, a vanilla class that is used in regular buildings, but not used in lightweight ones, like foundations. But I think because of the way assets are generated for the project, that object is still present in the lightweight buildings in the project, even though it shouldn't, causing that warning ingame. But it's just a warning, it's not causing any issues

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