SnapON bug.
After Dismantle a SNappedON Vanilla Splitter, Merger a 1m Conveyor Belt remains added. (Advanced Logistics Splitter does not leave that belt behind when deleted) Without snapon everything is ok.
PS: i am using a 2.5 offset

9 Replies
@SirDigby {Mod Name} was this normal to happen ?
Yes, that's how it works now
the snap on mod also lets you connect only the opposite output from the input only ...that is normal too?
Advanced logistics splitter does not leave a belt on deleted and also connects to factory ...
If it is being connected via SnapOn then there is a belt somewhere
ow it connects but does not work ... because of no small belt ...
the mod automatically makes a belt from splitter to input ...
cant the mod automatically delete that too ?
i understand ...