Struggling to find mod that is crashing game on launch

Im struggling to find which mod is causing the issue but the game is crashing on launch. All mods report as stable for the current patch, so I suspect theres no a conflict between mods. any help is appreciated 🙂
9 Replies
RhafikiOP•3mo ago
Version: 382498, IsEditor: No, IsPerforceBuild: No, BuildConfiguration: Shipping, Launcher: Steam, NetMode: -, IsUsingMods: Yes, IsSaveGameEdited: No Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x0000000000000028 FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!UStruct::Serialize() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Class.cpp:1861] FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!UClass::Serialize() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Class.cpp:5076] FactoryGameSteam_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UBlueprintGeneratedClass::Serialize() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\BlueprintGeneratedClass.cpp:2388] FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncPackage2::EventDrivenSerializeExport() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:6379] FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncPackage2::Event_ProcessExportBundle() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:5804] FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FEventLoadNode2::Execute() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:4320] FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncLoadEventQueue2::ExecuteSyncLoadEvents() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:4508] FactoryGameSteam_CoreUObject_Win64_Shipping!FAsyncLoadingThread2::Run() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\AsyncLoading2.cpp:7665] FactoryGameSteam_Core_Win64_Shipping!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [C:\BuildAgent\work\9fc8da665efb5ffd\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsRunnableThread.cpp:149]
Tomtores•3mo ago
>moddebug >debugmods
FICSIT-Fred•3mo ago
Follow this flowchart to troubleshoot issues caused by mods (crashes, unexpected behavior, etc.). More information can be found on the docs:
RhafikiOP•3mo ago
Thank you - I was hopeful that there would have been a log entry that would tell me that I was missing 🙂 :pepefacepalm: I randomly selected a mod 'DI Power Indicators' and disabled and the game launched 😦 It currently states that it is stable in the current version. I quickly tested with some of the other 'power' related mods incase there was a conflict but no dice
Robb•3mo ago
@Darkplate fyi, not sure what could be causing this since the error message is super generic have you tried randomly turning off a different mod as well?
RhafikiOP•3mo ago
working through a host of options, but yes
Robb•3mo ago
RhafikiOP•3mo ago
Thank you - I use the mod to dry build factories when im replacing them and it makes it super easy to see which machine banks are missing power etc
Darkplate•3mo ago
That mod has already been updated and is working with current version i can tell this is a prev version due to Build_DI_PwrIndicatorMk4a no longer exists in the new version please update to 3.9.4 your currently on "DI_Power_Indicators","version":"3.9.1" that version is where they updated the mod and they redid the power pole models on me so i had to fix them and replace with black power poles also the fuctions was updated per the DI Power Indicators you have "DI_FunctionsLibrary","version":"3.9.0" and I uploaded version DI_FunctionsLibrary 3.9.2 I am currently working on DI_Better_Packaging to add the new gas in really awesome looking containers there are a few other mods in that list that has been updated as well that was not mine and looks like you have a dedicated server as well that would need to be updated

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