Need help figuring out what the issue is.

I'm playing with my girlfriend currently and after installing mods in v1.0 everything worked fine, I dont know when or why it started happening but ive been getting this error and I don't really have the brains for this as I'm still relatively new to modding. If anyone can help me that'd be great. Here is our modlist. Mod Name Mod Reference Version Automated Artifacts AutomatedArtifacts 1.2.0 Better Geothermal Generators BetterGeothermal 1.0.3 Compact Machines CompactMachines 1.5.9 Container Screens and more ContainerScreen 1.0.23 Discord Rich Presence FG_DiscordRP 2.0.1 EquipmentMk2 EquipmentMk2 1.0.2 Fluid AWESOME Sink Redux FluidResourceSinkRedux 1.0.6 Fluid Extras AB_FluidExtras 1.0.5 Glass Fluid Buffer GlassFluidTank 1.0.5 Inventory Slots 150 InventorySpace3 1.0.9 Linear Motion LinearMotion 2.0.34 Remove Empty Dimensional Stacks RemoveEmptyDimensionalStocks 1.0.1 Structural Solutions SS_Mod 1.1.37 Underground Belts UndergroundBelts 3.0.14 Vertical Logistics VerticalLogistics 2.0.1
its not currently MP compatible - bug.
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36 Replies
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
FICSIT-Fred•5mo ago
We need more information to help you. Before launching the game again, open the Mod Manager and use the "Generate debug info" option, then send the zip file produced in this channel. If you need to access older log files, see
FICSIT-Fred•5mo ago
Automated responses for Aiko (1169087627132141719)
Mods do NOT disable achievements - you can play with mods and still get them! Do note that using Advanced Game Settings does disable achievements. -# Rule logic:
Key Details for
SMM Version: 3.0.0
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 17
Game: WindowsClient CL 368883 from steam
Path: `e:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
SMM Version: 3.0.0
SML Version: 3.8.0
Installed Mods: 17
Game: WindowsClient CL 368883 from steam
Path: `e:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Satisfactory`
Command Line: cmd /C start steam://rungameid/526870-NO_EOS_OVERLAY
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
There's an inventory stacks error that's happening. Do you know what you were doing when the crash happened?
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
No description
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
No, It happened randomly when I rejoined Well let me give a bit more context than just that, It first started happening when I left to rejoin because I was having a inventory bug that was extremely common for me in vanilla. I join back and I crash, didn't know why and tried a few more times didnt bother dealing with it and called it a night, We tried again today but we thought it was a mod issue, but from what I see its not. We have saves before this issue but I would like to see if there is a fix because we just built a mega turbo power plant and going back would set us way back and will take a lot more time to redo everything
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
Try reproducing it with one mod turned off at a time?
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
We are trying that now, it'll take some time so give us a bit
Lynkfox•5mo ago
does look like a race condition.
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
We found the general area of where the crashing is coming from, its between two mods, we're figuring out which one is causing it
Lynkfox•5mo ago
my iniutial guess would be one of the following: Remove Empty Dimensional container screens and more inventory slots 150 (tho really t hat last one shouldnt unless its been coded as a trigger?) and perhaps its a bad interaction between them
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
I feel like its Container screens and more
Lynkfox•5mo ago
it could be. if its calling the attmept to get whats in the inventory too early
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
I saw something related to Fluid Awesome Sink as well, and some container screens stuff.,
Lynkfox•5mo ago
wait is this a dedicated server or just local MP?
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
It was working fine with it for a while
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
fluid awesome sink touches inventory stacks in some way afaik
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
local multiplayer well multiplayer in general
Lynkfox•5mo ago
>mod container screens and more
FICSIT-Fred•5mo ago
Fred Mod Searchâ„¢
Container Screens and more
Automatically adds a customizable screen in all Containers showing whats inside. Now with buildable to see all other machines. EA: :white_check_mark: EXP: :white_check_mark: Last Updated <t:1728654279:R> Created by Andre Aquila
If this isn't the mod you were looking for, try a different spelling.
Lynkfox•5mo ago
Lynkfox•5mo ago
its not currently MP compatible - bug.
Lynkfox•5mo ago
No description
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
Lynkfox•5mo ago
thought i saw that earlier today
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
it was working perfectly fine did it just get updated?
Lynkfox•5mo ago
litterally like, saw Andre figure out there was a rpoblem
xXdrewbaccaXx•5mo ago
no the bot message shows 3 days ago
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
Lynkfox•5mo ago
its a progressive problem that only occurs after a certain point, if i understood what little i saw - so its not surprising
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
fair yeah everything is working now
Lynkfox•5mo ago
keep an eye on the mod page/mod in the SMM - Andre knows of the bug. just in case @Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> - logs for the container screen mp bug in this thread, if you need more.
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
Well thank you for the help, I thought it was bug in the games code but I seen to be proven wrong
Lynkfox•5mo ago
i mean... you might still have one of those 😛 but at least the crash is not
QaitlynneOP•5mo ago
Oh yeah of course I dont expect the game and mods to not have any that and its still relatively fresh to 1.0 but thank you

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