digital storage crash

Hey, i'm getting a crash when trying to build a 512 drive. its a simple enough setup. not sure if there is some weird interaction with another mod. i'm self hosting a dedicated server. using the vinanrra/satisfactory-server docker image. modlist: Mod Name Mod Reference Version All Fluids are Gasses allFluidsAreGasses 3.0.0 Daisy Chain Everything DaisyChainEverything 1.0.9 Digital Storage DigitalStorage 1.2.9 Hover Pack Ultimate HoverPackUltimate 1.0.5 Infinite Nudge InfiniteNudge 2.3.2 Infinite Zoop InfiniteZoop 1.8.18 Just Sink JustSink 1.0.9 Linear Overclock LinearOverclock 1.0.9 MkPlus MkPlusIso 1.0.7 Modular Load Balancers LoadBalancers 1.15.0 Object Scanner Highlighting HighlightScannedObject 1.0.2 Persistent Paintables PersistentPaintables 1.2.22 Refined Power RefinedPower 4.0.32 Satisfactory Mod Loader SML 3.9.1
2 Replies
Acxd2mo ago
FICSIT-Fred2mo ago
If you have any bugs, suggestions or need help with any of Refined R&D's mods you will probably get more help on their dedicated discord server.

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