Real Arachnophobia or Difficulty Tuner? to get rid of spiders
Hey there im looking for an arachnophobia mod because i have a really nasty reaction even with the cat pictures on, and i was looking around and saw that these two mods have gets rid of the spiders completely but idk if one is better than the other or they are exactly the same? (i know difficulty tuner does a ton more stuff and maybe i could use it to increase difficulty in exchange of removing the stingers)
3 Replies
Hey Paladin, If you dont mind turning on the AGS (Vanilla cheats), there is an in-game option to true arachnophobia mode.
oh well i was looking at mods beacuse they dont deactivate archivements :)
In that case, i think the two mods acts different but with the same results.
So maybe Difficult Tuner is better as you will change other stuff too 🙂 But if you want, you can add the two of them to garantee never see any spiders, ever. 🙂