Universal Machines Idling Themselves

@Andre Aquila <Aquila Industrial> I've finally gotten to the point where I am installing a great number of machines via blueprints, but now every time I'm loading up, I'm finding machines that are idling themselves. I cannot restart them unless I delete and reinstall that machine, then it is fine.
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32 Replies
AndreAquila•3d ago
Hmm thats new. Is that happen8ng only with machines with fluid output, or to every machine? Some conflict with the more fluid space maybe?
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
Quite! So far, it is only happening with my Rocket fuel Recipe. Since this is a Fuel Power plant, all are utilizing that mod. Right now, I cleared the area of the generators in attempt to test if it is the blueprint or something else. I'm leaning to something else since the HoR, Diluted Fuel and Turbofuel portions are still 100%. @joanna_hammond Hmmmm... Looks like your insight may be dead on the money. The BPs I set down and hooked up, I took the power leads off the generators in the BP Designer, let them fill their buffers completely and stall out... Then I plugged in the FuelGens to see what happens... So far, Nothing. :interesting: Okay... Now that I know where to look, definitely seems to be in the Increased Machine Fluid Buffer mod: It seems to like buffers filled to near capacity when the machine is running. Letting everything fill to stall seems to let it work, otherwise it thinks like the machine is filled to capacity and waiting for the buffer to empty. Update: Yeah, sure seems to be the Fluid Buffer Mod. Just installed half of one arm of my power plant, nearly a thousand generators, everything is fine!
AndreAquila•3d ago
Hmmm Good to know Hawke!
joanna_hammond•3d ago
? Hmmm, doesn't make a lot of sense. If a pipe is connected and there is somewhere for the fluid to flow it should just empty. It's no different to before, just bigger. If there is nowhere for the fluid to go it will stall.
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
I know it sounds very strange. It's just my observation as one that beats the tar outta everything to see if it breaks. Got the Buffer limit set to 500. Only machines that are self stalling were the ones not permitted to fill up to capacity after installation. Now that I am letting them fill up, they're running fine.
joanna_hammond•3d ago
ok, 555m3 output? wow
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
yeap 🙂
joanna_hammond•3d ago
that roundbracket figure... is that really 277,000 m3 output? 277k m3 per minute?
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
That's a long standing bug in the vanilla system far as I know I get that weirdness in other Machine Mods
joanna_hammond•3d ago
Strange, maybe it's something to do with being so close to the 600m3 max? for pipes.
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
Maybe. Shouldn't be, since I keep everything within the system set limits for said pipes. Like my HoR Machines are cranking out 560/min... and theyve been working fine from the outset
joanna_hammond•3d ago
I can't think of anything that I could do to make it do something different. All the mod does is change the size of the output buffer from 50m3 to (your choice)m3
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
Hum... Maybe just put a warning on the Mod page about the stalling when set to the max limit? At least till some epipheny hits ya where the problem may lie 🙂
joanna_hammond•3d ago
The code is silly simple, maybe Andre can see if he can see an issue......
if (not recipe)
UE_LOG(LogLFOB, Display, TEXT("Recipe not set, nothing to do."));
UFGInventoryComponent* inventory = self->GetOutputInventory();
FInventoryItem item;
FInventoryStack stack;

FLargeFluidOutputBuffersConfigurationStruct config = FLargeFluidOutputBuffersConfigurationStruct::GetActiveConfig(self->GetWorld());
int32 size = 1000 * config.OutputBufferSizeFluids;
TArray< FItemAmount > products = UFGRecipe::GetProducts(recipe);

for (int32 i = 0; i < products.Num(); i++)
TSubclassOf<class UFGItemDescriptor> itemClass = products[i].ItemClass;
EResourceForm form = UFGItemDescriptor::GetForm(itemClass);
FString itemDesc = UFGItemDescriptor::GetItemName(itemClass).ToString();
if (form == EResourceForm::RF_GAS || form == EResourceForm::RF_LIQUID)
UE_LOG(LogLFOB, Display, TEXT("Found %s Output '%s' at index %d, increasing buffer to %d m3"), (form == EResourceForm::RF_GAS ? TEXT("Gas") : TEXT("Fluid")), *itemDesc, i, config.OutputBufferSizeFluids);
inventory->AddArbitrarySlotSize(i, size);
if (not recipe)
UE_LOG(LogLFOB, Display, TEXT("Recipe not set, nothing to do."));
UFGInventoryComponent* inventory = self->GetOutputInventory();
FInventoryItem item;
FInventoryStack stack;

FLargeFluidOutputBuffersConfigurationStruct config = FLargeFluidOutputBuffersConfigurationStruct::GetActiveConfig(self->GetWorld());
int32 size = 1000 * config.OutputBufferSizeFluids;
TArray< FItemAmount > products = UFGRecipe::GetProducts(recipe);

for (int32 i = 0; i < products.Num(); i++)
TSubclassOf<class UFGItemDescriptor> itemClass = products[i].ItemClass;
EResourceForm form = UFGItemDescriptor::GetForm(itemClass);
FString itemDesc = UFGItemDescriptor::GetItemName(itemClass).ToString();
if (form == EResourceForm::RF_GAS || form == EResourceForm::RF_LIQUID)
UE_LOG(LogLFOB, Display, TEXT("Found %s Output '%s' at index %d, increasing buffer to %d m3"), (form == EResourceForm::RF_GAS ? TEXT("Gas") : TEXT("Fluid")), *itemDesc, i, config.OutputBufferSizeFluids);
inventory->AddArbitrarySlotSize(i, size);
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
Worth a shot I guess!
joanna_hammond•3d ago
As you can see, it just replaces the existing stack with a new stack (AddArbitrarySlotSize) either adds at the index or replaces the current at the index. Nothing else on the machine is changed.
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
IKR, but I wouldn't know that much... been almost 30 years since I touched coding 😉
joanna_hammond•3d ago
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
I'm just a Technical Engineer that finds and solves problems hehe
joanna_hammond•3d ago
Well, let's see if Andre can see an issue with it. But it is a little confusing.
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
Yeap! At least there is a way around it!
joanna_hammond•3d ago
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
ah well. Still, thanks for hearing me out about the potential issue!
joanna_hammond•3d ago
It can't even be backflow I would guess, fluids can't go back into the machine... lol
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
joanna_hammond•3d ago
Of course I'll listen, don't want bugs 😄 You really are pushing the game to it's limits though... LOL
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
Not as hard as some vanilla players I could name! But they are more Architectural!
joanna_hammond•3d ago
Yeah, Kibitz
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
He's nothing compared to Fluxo!
joanna_hammond•3d ago
KnHawkeOP•3d ago
All Righty Then! I'm gonna close out this thread and let you and Andre put your heads together about this issue. And I'll be MORE than happy to test it if ya guys come up with anything!
joanna_hammond•3d ago

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