No HOR with Better Alternate Recipes
No matter what I set the input or output multiplier to it gives me 0 Heavy oil residue when using the alternate recipes for plastic and rubber
Haven't tried this in multiplayer yet so im not sure if this is a singleplayer only problem.
Mod Name Mod Reference Version
No Research Time - CL NoResearchTime 1.0.6
Additional 300 Inventory Slots Additional_300_Inventory_Slots 6.2.2
Additional 500 Inventory Slots Additional500InventorySlots 1.4.2
All Nodes Pure AllNodesPure 1.0.8
Awesome Points x100 HundredTimesAwesomePoints 1.0.7
Better Alternate Recipes Better_Recipes_x10 1.2.7
Big Storage Tank and MegaPump BigStorageTank 2.0.9
Buildable Resource Nodes Redux BuildableResourceNodesRedux 2.4.2
Daisy Chain Everything DaisyChainEverything 1.0.9
EasyCheat EasyCheat 1.0.22
Faster Manual Crafting Redux FasterManualCraftingRedux 2.3.2
Fluid Extras AB_FluidExtras 1.0.9
Geothermal Generator Mk+ GeothermalMk 1.6.1
Infinite Zoop InfiniteZoop 1.8.17
Inventory Slots 150 InventorySpace3 1.0.9
Inventory Slots 50 InventorySpace2 2.0.8
Linear Motion LinearMotion 2.0.34
Linear Overclock LinearOverclock 1.0.6
MiniMap MiniMap 1.1.0
Modular Load Balancers LoadBalancers 1.13.6
No Gas Pillars NoGasPillar 1.0.7
Refined Power RefinedPower 4.0.24
Modlist is longer but i have no more space for it xD
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